Sunday, May 13, 2012

With Less Than a Week of School To Go: A Brief Account of My Thoughts

There is officially five days left before my last two finals on Thursday, May 17, 2012. It will mark the end point of my sophomore year in college. I don’t know how I feel about being pretty much done with this school year as I am writing this. I’m not sure I have the time to type up a full length article right now as it’s 1:17 AM Sunday morning of May 13, 2012. But I feel like I have lots to say about it but I don’t really want to get into my intimate thoughts right now. I’m feeling tired. And a little hungry as a side note. How I really feel about things that happened this year. This year has been filled with feelings of moderate level of regret, annoyance, a lack of motivation to study at times, quite a bit of insecurity and a moderate dose of unfairness and jealousy from seeing other people goof off and noticing cute girls that I don’t have the energy, time, or ability to go up and talk to confidently as they ignore me as if I’m invisible (perhaps I’m not as esoteric as I think I am, but I wouldn’t know). In terms of positives, I feel I’ve progressed in terms of knowledge, hands-on skills, and confidence when it comes to nursing, although I still have much to learn and improve on. I’ve managed to get another year of working out consistently on three days a week down although my motivation for working out has slowly been waning at times throughout the year. I’ve learned more about how my future nursing career can help me accomplish my goal of living an adventurous life with a decent amount of free time to myself to learn and get involved in hobbies and activities that I desire to pursue. I’ve found out about Per Diem Nursing, thanks to Brandon, my sophomore 2 clinical instructor. This past school year, I’ve learned about the types of relationships I want to pursue in my life. I’ve come to understand more about my introverted personality and it’s helped me accept myself more and feel relieved that my social needs and personality was not something that was down-right strange. I am wondering how I will juggle my introverted personality with meeting women and talking to people in the future. To what degree should I allow myself to lay back and not talk to someone due to my preference of observing people and staying to myself to recharge my social batteries? David Wygant’s approach fits an extravert’s personality best but that doesn’t mean I can’t learn from him and incorporate David’s skills and knowledge for my benefit. I think that is something I will have to sit down, think about, and write about to come to a solid conclusion and decision. It’s getting late and I need to go eat now. Don’t want to lose more muscle. This post is not as analytical and in-depth as the others. I know. I’ll write in more detail once I finish my two finals this Thursday. Until then.     

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