Sunday, October 28, 2012

An Intro to Dr. Amit Goswami

This past Thursday, I was waiting for my clinical group to start for our post-conference at John George Inpatient Mental Facility. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw a book called "Physics of the Soul" by Dr. Amit Goswami. Suddenly his name came into my recognition. While watching "The Holographic Universe" series on YouTube a little more than two weeks ago, I remembered Dr. Amit Goswami's quote that was emphasized in the documentaries. Wishing I could take this book and read it at home, but not having teh opportunity and moral conscious in the back of my mind, I could only glance at pages in the book. After driving back from San Leandro, that night I googled: read physics of the soul amit goswami. I could not find a pdf version to download and read so I was left disappointed. Today around 11:00 PM; October 26, 2012, I decided to try my luck online by googling " Dr. Amit Goswami torrent". Although I would be very satisfied had I found a link for Dr. Goswani's books, I found several seemingly quality material by Mr. Goswami. Here is some of his material:

Quantum Mechanics (by Amit Goswami):

Quantum Mechanics [Hardcover]
Amit Goswami (Author)

Hardcover: 576 pages
Publisher: Waveland Pr Inc; 2 edition (December 2003)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1577663217
ISBN-13: 978-1577663218

In an effort to excite college seniors and first-year graduate students about the essence of quantum mechanics, Goswami always begins a topic with what students know before moving into more complex areas. He teaches students how to ask the right questions, satisfying their interest in the meaning and interpretation of quantum mechanics, and treats the nitty-gritty details carefully. The unifying approach of the book presents quantum mechanics not only as a schema for successful calculations and predictions but also as a basis for a new and exciting worldview. The most unusual aspect of the book is an ongoing presentation of the radicalness of quantum mechanics as compared to classical physics. Outstanding features: 1) gives a thorough grounding in the fundamental aspects of quantum mechanics; 2) provides a wealth of worked-out examples; 3) offers a balanced presentation of quantum system, which helps students make a bridge to whichever aspect of modern physics they want to pursue; 4) goes into enough depth without exceeding the mathematical level of the beginning student; and 5) liberates physics students from the bonds of classical prejudices.              "
The Quantum Activist [2009 DVD Rip]:

There is a revolution going on in science. A genuine paradigm shift. While mainstream science remains materialist, a substantial number of scientists are supporting and developing a new paradigm based on the primacy of consciousness.

Amit Goswami, Ph.D., a pioneer of this revolutionary new perspective shares with us his vision of the unlimited potential of consciousness as the ground of all being, and how this revelation helps us to live better. It tells the story of a man who challenges us to rethink our very notions of existence and reality, with a force and scope not felt since Einstein.

The work of Goswami reveals the overarching unity inherent in the world's major religions and mystical traditions. At times humorous and avoiding the complexity of mathematics, this film bridges the gap between God and science.

Meet the man behind the message as Dr. Goswami tells us how he moved away from the religious teachings of his childhood, to seek his path in nuclear and theoretical quantum physics, and how he has come full circle, through quantum insight, back to the very religious axioms offered as a youth.

With a poignant relevance, Dr. Goswami demonstrates how our views of reality have led to our current environmental, social, economic and spiritual crisis; and presents a course of action. At stake is nothing less than our survival upon the planet.

Includes a 20 minute special feature "Creative Evolution".

77 minutes                                                          

Here are some great writings I found throughout my search that are located at and

Due to the lengths of the articles on these two links, I will post the articles separately in the next post. 

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