For some time now- it's hard to put an exact number- I've been growing more and more tired of working out. Lifting weights to be specific. I've been working out since the summer after junior year of high school, which makes it about four years. I have been working out every week save anywhere around probably from 4-10 sessions per year where I missed or skipped my workout sessions. As a result, I am a strong dude. I am no longer near my strongest point ever, which was during my sophomore year in college, where I was deadlifting four 45's each side with a 45 lbs. barbell, hitting 6-8 reps and training to failure. That's 405 lbs. I was squatting near 360 lbs. and hitting anywhere between 6-8 reps, and benching (my weakest when taking into account of the amount of work I had put in) around 265 lbs between 6-8 reps. I have been thinking about logging my journal records into my blog here to keep as documentation; my binder is falling apart and it would be a real shame to lose that info forever. As I said, I am no where near lifting that heavy nowadays, but still impressive.
But as I started this post out, I've been thinking about slendering down and I do not mean by going on a cutting phase. There are many reasons. One of the main reasons is that I know for my future hobbies that I want to pursue, like mountain climbing, I will need to focus more on endurance rather than muscle bulk.
I've actually been thinking about slimming down a lot. Pros and Cons to both sides obviously, reasons which I'll talk about. Been thinking about going vegetarian in fact, maybe even vegan. Shall see about that.
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