For the first time in a long, long time today, I have rekindled my interest in writing about my spiritual journey and development. Things just tend to happen spontaneously and I feel that choosing to skip out an experience negates any possible outcomes from that event while at the same time creating a whole new set of possible outcomes. What I am referring to is not a significant event from the eyes of an outsider, but for me, I will remember this day for a while. You see, my friend asked me if I wanted to play ball and shoot around today at 6. I initially told him probably not, but on a rather split-second reasoning and decision making, I decided to go have some fun rather than study for Friday's test which I feel I am more or less, relatively prepared already. So we talked some basic conversation, laughed around a bit, and proceeded to play a game of King of the Hill. After playing three rounds, due to the very rapidly fading September sun, we could not play anymore. Normally we get going our separate ways, but today we tacitly, felt our way through based off each other's body language as we talked to hang out longer. I wanted to get into a deeper level of conversation, where we could explore our minds and interests, and most importantly, move away from the small talk. Gradually I transitioned the conversation into talking about spiritual beliefs and the reasons I believe in the survival of a soul and consciousness outside the physical body. So as the night sky set in, I began to to recount a somewhat deep account of my gradual awakening into the sciences that are independently confirming the work of a past life regressionist, Dolores Cannon. I talked about Dolores Cannon's work, Dr. Eben Alexander's story of meeting his unknown sister on the "other side", quantum mechanics, the notion of how electrons in an atom are never in a definite place and how where they are in there orbits are a probability (the "electron cloud"), the double slit experiment, entanglement, and Dr. Stuart Hameroff's theory. There was so much more I wanted to talk about- the idea of how particles can be in more than one place at the same time, as well as something I hinted to this past summer while at Chabot Observatory, that being the holographic universe theory - even though I was already getting cold and was shaking a bit and rubbing my hands together to generate heat. I was actually able to talk about my journey and the basic understandings of quantum mechanics to my friend rather well actually. I did not expect myself to be able to do that since I have not delved into this topic in my mind for some time.
It felt really connecting to be able to talk to my friend who is a rather sports-only friend whom I have never really been able to talk to at this depth before. I could tell that he really was listening and was intrigued by what I was imparting. So from this discussion my desire to write about my journey into a greater spiritual awareness has been seriously rekindled. I guess there is just something about the night sky in a quiet, safe environment that really allows for these types of intimate discussions. Before we got into talking about spirituality, I was asking him about what his interests were exactly as I could not really put his into a definite few categories. Gauging his response of asking me back about my interests, I could tell that he didn't feel 100% safe getting into it so when he inquired about my interests I was happy to take the lead and begin to talk about my desire for adventure and my spiritual awareness. I do feel a great sense of gladness that I went to meet up with him today. If I stuck with my original decision to forgo this opportunity, this talk never would have happened. Would it have happened some other time? It's possible? But this type of talk requires certain criteria to be right for this type of conversation to happen, as I've written before here on this blog a long, long time ago - maybe a year or more ago!
I do want to re-catch up on my understandings of the sciences that have caught my attention and be able to discuss this further with my friend. I am excited to see where this goes.
- Home
- My Goals (Constantly Being Updated as I Go Through Life)
- To My Beloved Lucky of 10 & 1/2 Years
- Good Death Response and Just A Few Pics of My Dearly Beloved
- A Detailed Account of The Story of Lucky, My Endearing Companion of 10 & 1/2 Years, What Cut My Time With Her Short, & What I Learned From This Experience - The Complete Story
- The Truth When You Hear It
- A Reminder To Myself For the Purpose of This Blog
- Science & Spirituality
- Understanding Cancer, Ebola, and Other Modern Day Chronic Health Issues
- About Me
- R.I.P. Dolores Cannon, Thank You For All You've Do...
Remember Who You Are

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