haven't posted anything on here for a while, even though life has not
been without its challenges. Since around February or so of this
year, I've been slowly adjusting to the idea of going off on my own,
and having my own life. Between me and my brother I mean. I wish the
best for him, AND I need to start having my own life. A life where I
am not concerned about what he is doing. I need a life where I am so
enveloped in what I am doing and what is going on around me, that I
naturally focus on what's going on around me. I need that. I guess
this year, so far, for me has been about leaving behind the world of
schooling, and into the work force and real world. It has been
challenging, feeling like people are going their own ways. Partly
wishing the people around me would stay the same, and only I change,
for the better. But life doesn't work that way. It just doesn't.
Things are going on around me that I can't control. And I have to
leave them in God's hands. People moving away. Relationships
changing. Being on my own for lots of the time. Trying to get into a
hobby that isn't easy to learn: rock climbing, while knowing and
praying that my near future of what I have dreamed and day dreamed
about in some capacity or another, comes true. My dream of traveling
to far flung places around the world, to help people in a meaningful
way, and to leave my imprint on them, seems like a strong day dream
right now. In the right moments, when I day dream/dream about it,
right before I nod off into a slumber, if feels like I'm living it,
and it's close, but then after basking in the satisfaction it would
provide for my soul, I realize that it was just in my mind and in my
heart. Just burning in my heart, waiting to manifest into a reality. When I
day dream about it, it's a feeling that feels so right. It's a feeling
that not only nourishes my soul, but completes the essence of who I
am. In the midst of my dream, it feels so RIGHT. It feels so
invigorating. It feels so SATISFYING without the feeling of lack or
scarcity. It feeds my desires of adventure, travel, spontaneity,
purpose, meaning, ego, and demonstrates my character and values. It's
once in a lifetime. It's like nothing I could ever imagine. I'm still
waiting for it. Burning for it. And until that day...I can't wait.
- Home
- My Goals (Constantly Being Updated as I Go Through Life)
- To My Beloved Lucky of 10 & 1/2 Years
- Good Death Response and Just A Few Pics of My Dearly Beloved
- A Detailed Account of The Story of Lucky, My Endearing Companion of 10 & 1/2 Years, What Cut My Time With Her Short, & What I Learned From This Experience - The Complete Story
- The Truth When You Hear It
- A Reminder To Myself For the Purpose of This Blog
- Science & Spirituality
- Understanding Cancer, Ebola, and Other Modern Day Chronic Health Issues
- About Me
- R.I.P. Dolores Cannon, Thank You For All You've Do...
Remember Who You Are

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