"Just stay relaxed, open and sincere,
live from your natural
integrity, and, as much as realistically possible, be a giver not a taker (i.e., be as generous as you can, yet
don't be a "doormat" for selfish people to walk all over you and
exploit you financially, emotionally, etc.). And eventually, naturally, the Sun
will dawn— i.e., your True
Identity simply "re-cognizes" that this Self or Awareness is the
"wall-less container," the open, free Context for whatever happens.
With this realization comes a profound sense of release and relief, the re-discovery that you have
never been in the world, the world is in YOU, the Self of all. Here is true
freedom, true peace, true bliss. Your Real Nature."
"And when these persons do
meet, at "the appointed time," what will happen? Phenomena will
interact (bodies hugging, voices sounding, eyes gazing into eyes, heart feeling
into heart), yet, as medieval Hindu sage Jnaneshvar declared, "it will be
like taste tasting itself to savor its own Sweetness"! For there will be
what has always only been the case: Absolute Awareness, ever the Self-same Self
of all, abiding in/as bodiless, mindless, wordless Glory and Splendor, enjoying
the play of vibrating forms made of the formless."
"If your devotional heart wishes to love, honor and worship the formless I-Self as the Divine Beloved, then look and feel all around you: EVERYONE and EVERYTHING you meet in this life-DREAM is the adorable Self in disguise. And this includes the bodymind known as "Alycia." She, too, is the literal embodiment of God/Goddess. (Look in the mirror and you're seeing the manifest embodiment of God.) So, too, everyone in your life, including all the characters on the world stage (including brother W. Bush, an amazing Guru—indeed, a Divine Avatar—challenging all of us progressives to authentically live love, compassion, and kindness!)...
You are
the Great Spaciousness, wide open for a world to happen in."
Credit of the following thoughts that occurred is largely attributed to the bodily entity Named Timothy Conway at
1. http://www.enlightened-spirituality.org/questions_and_answers_on_nondual_spiritual_awakening.html and
2. http://www.enlightened-spirituality.org/Relationship_Spirituality.html
World = perceptual phenomena occurring NOW on "top" of the real
YOU, AWARENESS. That tissue box and sprouted pumpkin seed bag “I” see (visual
perception) on my desk, is no different from the body you see right now. They are all
objects/forms occurring as perceptions and phenomena experienced by the
underlying changeless AWARENESS, the real you. In a sense, to identify with the
body as who you are means you might as well identify with that sprouted pumpkin
seed bag that is being perceived by AWARENESS/ME. They are both forms - think form vs formless/awareness - being
perceived by awareness/me via perceptions, concepts, thoughts, and beliefs that
come together as a package when the perception of the body and the pumpkin seed
bag is throughout AWARENESS/ME. Thoughts while seemingly not a form, are still just perceptions that come and pass. Do the tissue box and pumpkin seed bag
exist? For Awareness to know if something exists, it must be perceived as a
perception. Can Awareness experience some "thing" if the perceptions that makes
up the experience are not in Awareness? There is no way to experience the “existence”
of some "thing" without the perceptions being present via Awareness. I surmise it
is a pointless question. Therefore, the world is not out there, but is in YOU,
AWARENESS. You are a limitless, no boundary Awareness, experiencing a myriad of
different perceptions in the forms of thoughts, feelings, desires, visual perceptions,
auditory, perceptions, tactile perceptions, and so on, but ultimately, just
perceptions. All of these perceptions occurring in what the human body/brain
can only conceive of as, as the NOW, to which you are none of these. These
perceptions over countless NOWS, form the illusion, the deception i.e. the ego.
The ego has never existed. To rid of the illusion of a YOU beyond Awareness is
by perceiving the truth that the perceptions over countless NOWS never was, is,
over ever will be YOU, as the NOWS are experienced. The perceptions are
ever changing, even though they may feel similar at times, but note that the feeling is
a perception itself nonetheless. What is experienced as life is ultimately a dream in
the sense that perceptions come into Awareness and change in Awareness. Perceptions
are not solid or ever-lasting. And that is the dream. Dream is defined as some “thing”
that is ultimately at it’s core, different from NOW … to … NOW. Perceptions comes into
Awareness and changes in Awareness. Awareness is the REAL YOU because it never
changes and is always consistent. Life = perceptions occurring over countless
NOWS via Awareness. Perceptions = dream because it is ever changing/not
consistent. Only REALITY – defined as what is real/consistent throughout the
ever-changing perceptions experienced – is Awareness. The world is not out “there”.
The world/perceptions is ultimately in Awareness, YOU. This is what is meant as
the Divine, Infinite Awareness expressing itself in different “forms”/bodily
entities. At the core, it is the Same, One Awareness perceiving myriads of “individual” perceptions
over countless NOWS giving rise to the illusion of separateness.
“Hence, our partner's true reality as Awareness is not "out there," but RIGHT HERE, closer to us than our own mind or body or ego-sense.”
In other words,
Other "individuals/people/beings/bodily entities” are actually closer to
us that our own thoughts, concepts and visual perceptions of “our bodies”, as
we are and have always been, the same, one Awareness.
“Love thy neighbor as thy self” - Jesus
Sunday, June 12th, 2016, 3:11 AM PST
Sunday, June 12th, 2016, 3:11 AM PST
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