It has taken me all of today- Black Friday- to purchase a Toshiba 2 TB external hard drive, play around with it, troubleshoot without asking my dad for help, and finally, feel relatively confident that I have successfully back-upped the important stuff on my laptop that would be emotionally painful if my laptop was no longer accessible and had not been back-upped. Mentally tiring to take such long times to backup my files only to have the program tell me at the end that the backup was not successful. Absolutely mentally draining. Here I am, other bodily needs ignored until I finishing the backup for good. I absolutely feel stressed that there is definitely a part of me that just wants to say, "Fuck this technological-crap!" Maybe even multiple exclamation marks to that exclamatory remark! Uuuhhh, I want to fucking relax now.
Oh on a more positive note though, my brother bought some supposedly nice clothes online. I say supposedly because I was not involved in the decision of purchasing clothes for Black Friday. He has good taste though so it should be no problem at all. It's nice to see how as I transition from adolescent in high school and not really caring about fashion to now in college, paying more attention to looking good fashion-wise. Body-wise and physically, of course, I still pay attention to that as I am currently at the end of my third day cutting back down now. I am doing in right again as my dad came back from Taiwan on this past Tuesday and he needs to lose weight for sure. For my first three days, I am eating majority-wise healthy and eating less or about my level of satiety, so not too full but just right to maintain my body weight or less. I am not counting calories yet. Perhaps I should start counting calories on my high days. On low days, perhaps depending on my will power and desire, eat little to no food. Six pack and an even more slimmer, more slender, and yet still muscular and toned body? We shall see.
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- R.I.P. Dolores Cannon, Thank You For All You've Do...
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