Apparently, this is her official YouTube account:
Posted on October 18, 2012 by Dolores Cannon
Past Life Regression seems like a simple concept and it is. In my decades of research and work using a unique hypnotherapy technique to dive deep beneath the conscious mind into the infinite subconscious, I have not only uncovered many forgotten lives of my subjects, but tapped the endless wisdom of their spirits in between lives as well.

Five Lives Remembered was actually the first book Dolores ever wrote, despite only being first published in 2009
Back in the 1960’s, when I first delved into the world of Past Life Regression, the popular hypnotherapy technique of the day used long induction methods and tests to determine the depth of the trance. I did not like this cumbersome type of regression, even though in the beginning I was an observer holding the microphone for the entranced subject, making numerous notes during the sessions that would later prove invaluable.
But if it hadn’t been for my innocent and naïve first steps I would have never sought out the path that has led to literally thousands of journeys into the unknown. Without the strange and unusual events that occurred in my life in 1968, I would probably be a “normal” housewife and grandmother, and none of these adventures would have been recorded. Such are the laws of chance, and…coincidence? I think not. It was meant to be.
In 1979, I began to write my first book Five Lives Remembered, by painstakingly transcribing the tapes from the first Past Life Regressions my late husband Johnny and I recorded in 1968. This immediately renewed my interest in reincarnation, even though Johnny decided not to pursue it further. Since I wanted to continue the work, I had to devise a method that would be easier and faster for me as well as my subjects.
I found that a quicker induction could be obtained by using visualization techniques. Using my new method, I became a regressionist. This is a term for a hypnotist who specializes in Past Life Regressions, past life therapy, and reincarnation research.
We are never given more than we can handle. The information I first discovered in 1968 was startling in the extreme. Yet what has been revealed through my work in the ensuing years has been even more complex. I could have never handled it all in the beginning.
Thus it appears that knowledge must be revealed slowly and subtly, in order for it to be accepted and not be overwhelming. Each stage of my work has caused further expansion. In the big picture, every piece of knowledge obtained is essential and necessary.
What I discovered in 1968 now seems rather simple and rudimentary to me. Yet it was part of a process to get me to the stage where I am now…and beyond. I hope it will ever be so, as I continue to grow and explore the unknown, and take my readers with me.
Dolores Cannon
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