The Metaphysical Hour
hosted by Dolores & Julia Cannon
Station 1 - Fridays 5:00 - 5:55 PM (PST)
8:00 - 8:55 PM (EST)
Author Of 15 Books
Past-Life Regressionist and Hypnotherapist
who specializes in the recovery and cataloging of "Lost Knowledge"
Authority on Nostrdamus
Read a complete bio of Dolores
Dolores works extensively in the field of hypnosis and paranormal research, and travels all over the world to lecture and do workshops. In between, she teaches a powerful induction method to other hypnotherapists, which she developed over a period of 25 years.
Her roots in hypnosis go back to the 1960s. She has been specializing in past-life therapy since 1979.
Her first two books, "Jesus and the Essenes" and "They Walked with Jesus" are considered classics in the life of Jesus and translated into many languages.
To Purchase a Copy
She has also written three volumes interpreting the predictions of Nostradamus after being contacted, in 1986, by Nostradamus himself. This series contains the translation of almost 1000 prophecies, all interpreted for the first time and have been in print since 1989. It is considered the most accurate interpretation of the prophecies ever printed.
Dolores has worked extensively as a hypnotist with abductees. Her book "The Custodians" contains theories that no other UFO investigators have come up with. It deals with traveling through other dimensions. Dolores believes she has the answers to all of the questions people are asking about UFOs.
She has written four books dealing with abductees and UFO research.
Dolores says she found much of her work in hypnosis deals with history and the research of history as it is occurring. It's like time travel. She consider herself a reporter, a researcher and the accumulator of lost knowledge. Dolores is now teaching her unique technique of hypnosis all over the world.
Dolores has been touring in the USA, England, Europe, the former Soviet countries, Australia, New Zealand, and parts of Asia to promote her works, and to discuss her particular brand of psychic research. She has spoken to radio and television audiences worldwide. She has given lectures at such locations as: Whole Life Expos in Los Angeles, New York and San Diego; Global Science Congress; various A.R.E. Edgar Cayce Foundations; Conscious Living Expo and MBS Expo in Australia; The College of Psychic Studies in London, England; The Theosophical Society in London, England; as well as many other organizations. Dolores was the first American and the first foreigner to receive the "Orpheus Award" in Bulgaria, for the highest advancement in the research of psychic phenomenom.
Articles by/about Dolores have appeared in several magazines including: "Body, Mind and Spirit"; "Magical Blend"; "Connecting Link"; "Kindred Spirit" (an England magazine); "People Magazine" (an Australian magazine); "Conscious Living Magazine" (an Australian magazine); "After Dark" (the Art Bell magazine); "The Unknown Magazine"; "The Washington Post"; and "New York Times". Also magazines and newspapers in Russia, Spain, South America, Bulgaria, Japan and Arab countries.
Dolores has appeared on various TV specials including: "A Current Affair" (in Australia); BBC Documentary Series "Divine Magic"; "Ancient Mysteries of the World" (a two hour special on CBS); "Ancient Prophecies I and Ancient Prophecies II" (two hour specials on NBC); "Encounters" ( a one hour special on FOX network); "Good Day LA" (in California); "Mysteries, Magic and Miracles" (the Sci-Fi Channel); "Marilu Talk Show" (ABC); "Biography" (series on A&E Channel); "America After Hours" (CNBC); "CNN International Entertainment News"; "The Wisdom Channel" (Correen Edwards); and "The Fox Family Channel".
Dolores is contacted regularly to appear on various shows about Nostradamus because she is considered to be the world's foremost expert on the prophecies.
Dolores has done over 1000 radio talk shows including Art Bell's "DreamLand" and Shirley MacLaine.
Her latest book:
BOOK TWO OF THE CONVOLUTED UNIVERSE SERIES - contains More Mind-Bending & Challenging Metaphysical Concepts
* Hidden Underground Cities
* Energy and Creator Beings
* Time Portals for Traveling Between Dimensions
* Raising of Vibrations and Frequencies to Shift into the New Earth
* Characteristics of the New Earth
* The Universal Language of Symbols
* Splinters and Facets of the Soul
* Life on Other Planets
- Home
- My Goals (Constantly Being Updated as I Go Through Life)
- To My Beloved Lucky of 10 & 1/2 Years
- Good Death Response and Just A Few Pics of My Dearly Beloved
- A Detailed Account of The Story of Lucky, My Endearing Companion of 10 & 1/2 Years, What Cut My Time With Her Short, & What I Learned From This Experience - The Complete Story
- The Truth When You Hear It
- A Reminder To Myself For the Purpose of This Blog
- Science & Spirituality
- Understanding Cancer, Ebola, and Other Modern Day Chronic Health Issues
- About Me
- R.I.P. Dolores Cannon, Thank You For All You've Do...
Remember Who You Are

Sunday, December 23, 2012
Friday, December 21, 2012
Tinnitus Gone and It's Correlation with Dec. 21st, 2012
I remember watching the movie, John Carter- which came out in March of 2012- with my friend Tanuj, and hating having to cover my ears at times during the movie due to loud noise. I remember going to the doctor- not sure exactly which month of 2012- and telling me it was tinnitus. I remember being somewhat perplexed at having tinnitus since I never exposed my ears to overbearing noise decibels. I remember reading and hearing from Dolores Cannon saying that she has found people experiencing symptoms such as headache, palpitations, high blood pressure, & ringing in the ears and doctors would not be able to find anything wrong them. What DC found was that these were symptoms that our cells were adjusting to the new frequency of the earth moving in 5D. Granted based on our limited scientific understanding, this may seem like science fiction but the science I have been finding has been certainly surprising in a positive way lately that I am certainly open to the possibility. Last Saturday, December 15th, when going to Costco, I felt I reached my limit as I felt the tinnitus had recently been aggravated even more for no obvious medical reason at all. My sister- who has a very loud and piercing voice but in the past 19 years of living with her, I never experienced tinnitus- was talking with my mom in the car and was causing my left ear- the one affected- to produce static. It got to the point where my mom wanted me to go see a specialist to perform a more in-depth evaluation to see if there was anything wrong with me medically that was causing tinnitus. My thought was that my slight respiratory infection must have aggravated it. Yes, I remember going for a run at Miller's track doing HIIT- perhaps a few days prior to going to Costco on Wednesday, December the 12th- and feeling like my lungs were acidic after the run, and the very next morning, I was coughing. The cold must have aggravated my tinnitus, so I thought, which as of even now, is possible, but it certainly did not cause the tinnitus in the first place since I experienced tinnitus on and off with varying severity for about a year, with its inception sometime early 2012 I believe. I would experience a static noise at times of loud noise, but I must clarify that these loud noises are not of bother to pretty much all other people. Gun shooting scenes at movies would cause the static. As I just typed that, I remembered being at Disneyland last Winter break, about a week before Christmas day's NBA game of the Heat vs. Champions Mavericks- which I missed watching because my family, Lucky, and I were planning to head back to San Jose from LA after staying at our Relative's apartment there and going to Disneyland and Universal Studios, and experiencing static in my left ear at times of the Fantasmic show. This was the same time where I ended up calling my friend Tanuj to go check up on our house after my sister's friend, who dropped off a package outside our house- said she might have thought she saw someone inside our house. This was also the time where dad came with us to LA but spent the day at our relative's house and helped watched Lucky while the rest of us went to Disneyland. So from this memory, I apparently was already experiencing tinnitus a year ago in December of 2011. Well, what's the point of all this? It may be a bit early for me to be proclaiming this, but yesterday, Thursday, Dec. 20, 2012, I recognized that an all to common situation where in the past year would almost always result in at least a few static noises in my ear here and there, turned out to result in no static at all. I was in the car with my sister being loud and was rather surprised that I didn't experience any static noises. I even remember talking extra loud yesterday as my brother, mom, and I went to pick up my sister at her night time class just to test if I would experience static in my left ear after I realized the static was absent. And to my liking of course, the static remained absent. I was joking, laughing, and talking loudly and honestly, a bit exaggeratedly at times that would raise an eyebrow to a stranger passing by, but I was ecstatic it was gone and even thought that I should be more grateful- when making jokes and teasing my sister and brother- that I was not experiencing the static noise in a situation that previously for the past year or so, I would experience it. And as of today, while driving to Costco with my mom and sister in the back of the car, and me sitting in the right side of the front passenger seat, with my left ear exposed to them like many, many previous times when going to Costco, I experienced no tinnitus even when my sister's loud and poignant voice was filling the air. Dec. 21st, 2012 is the date when it reaches the peak of the new earth moving into 5D and transitioning according to DC- I believe at least to my memory of reading her books and videos on YouTube; It's been a while since I've serious research. Those symptoms listed earlier here were signs that our bodies were adjusting to the increasing frequencies of a new earth entering a new dimension according to DC. Is it just coincidence that over this past year, I have experienced the symptoms and at the very nearing of December 21st, 2012, the tinnitus was most egregious and all of a sudden, it literally, has disappeared? Maybe. It's possible. But to be honest, with all the things I've been learning from Bruce Lipton and related that independently corroborate what Dolores Cannon has been finding in her work and how it all relates to my home situation with Lucky and what I learned from my Past Life Regression Session on September 24th, 2012 with Susan, I have an inkling that the disappearance of the tinnitus on this date is a little more than just a positive unexpected side effect of my body overcoming a cough and slight cold.
Interesting Websites Found After Hearing About Significance of Dec. 21, 2012 on Star 101.3 That Independently Stated What DC & BL Have Been Stating
I was listening to star 101.3 while my brother was driving us to Costco and right before he pulled into the parking space, an unknown individual started talking about electromagnetism, hawking radiation, how there are super-massive black holes at the center of each galaxy, increase in consciousness, dimension, and how that relates to December 21, 2012, which is today's date. So while walking in Costco, I whipped out my phone and started googling exactly that.
I found some interesting websites, not so sure I really want to delve into the research now but maybe a couple years from now, I will really delve into it after nursing school. But I want to list some websites I found so I will have direction when I do pick it up:
"electromagnetism hawking radiation black holes consciousness december 21, 2012"
"electromagnetism hawking radiation black holes increase in consciousness december 21, 2012"
"electromagnetism hawking radiation supermassive black holes at the center of each galaxy increase in consciousness december 21, 2012"
"electromagnetism hawking radiation supermassive black holes at the center of each galaxy increase in consciousness dimension december 21, 2012"
I found some interesting websites, not so sure I really want to delve into the research now but maybe a couple years from now, I will really delve into it after nursing school. But I want to list some websites I found so I will have direction when I do pick it up:
"electromagnetism hawking radiation black holes consciousness december 21, 2012"
"electromagnetism hawking radiation black holes increase in consciousness december 21, 2012"
"electromagnetism hawking radiation supermassive black holes at the center of each galaxy increase in consciousness december 21, 2012"
"electromagnetism hawking radiation supermassive black holes at the center of each galaxy increase in consciousness dimension december 21, 2012"
The Real Meaning of December 21, 2012- From DC's Blog
I do not remember how many predictions about the end of the world have been made in my lifetime, let alone in past centuries or millennia. None of these predictions came true. Remember Y2K? That is but one example of many. December 21, 2012 will be the same.
The Earth is a vastly ancient and conscious living being that does not respond to the manmade Gregorian calendar. December 21, 2012 is just another date on that calendar. There is no reason to be afraid. In fact, we should celebrate this date, not worry about it.
What is crucial to remember is that our thoughts create our reality. Group Mind, the concept of many people thinking about what they would like to manifest at the same time, is far more powerful than our own individual intentions.
During my conversations with Nostradamus, the world-renowned healer, seer and visionary, in many hypnotherapy sessions over the course of several years in the 1980’s, we analyzed an enormous amount of information together to decipher nearly 1000 of his quatrains or prophecies. Although he did cryptically refer to key dates in the modern era by forecasting astrological transits, he never wrote or spoke about December 21, 2012.
That said, Nostradamus emphasized the power of Group Mind to change the course of history. He said the energy of Group Mind becomes squared, meaning these combined thoughts are magnified exponentially. Imagine what would happen if millions of people around the world focused together on positive intentions on December 21, 2012.
The most important thing to know is people are going to feel different if they are paying attention. Take time to ask yourself and look around and you will see people are different from before. Things actually are feeling better and getting better than they were before.
I first began noticing this was happening in 2003, and it has been increasing in strength as we find ourselves rapidly approaching December 21 and the end of 2012. When you take the time to remove yourself from the static of the conspiracy theories and the negativity, through meditation and introspection, you will feel the energy is shifting in your life, in the lives of others, as well as all over the world. Leave all the old, useless stuff behind for the expansive, positive vision of life that awaits us.
We have to remember that everyone alive on Earth has free will. Those who continue to think negatively will continue to create negatively; it is the law of the Universe. In order to benefit from the transformational energy around December 21, 2012, we should focus on positive affirmations and aspirations, and make a real effort to let go of selfish thoughts and desires and forgive those who have wronged us so we can move on.
As this pivotal year comes to a close, the real meaning of December 21, 2012 could be: whatever we think, we create. Think wisely.
Dolores Cannon "
I would like to point out another similarity between DC's work and what Bruce Lipton has found.
In the middle of Bruce Lipton's "Biology, Belief, And Consciousness" C2C AM interview:
Well I just want to get the opportunity to tell the audience that my website, has freely downloadable articles and references in everything we are talking about because I did not come into this because I was a wishful thinker and looking for spirituality, I actually had no handle on that at all and wasn’t even looking for it. It was cells that revealed it and so and what we are talking about is a scientific understanding that we are evolving and this is why I said for example, your program is starting to pick up and things are starting to pick up because we are indeed, on course on an evolutionary jump and interesting enough it may be, by the time the Mayan calendar date 2012 arrives, might actually manifest itself by then. So there is a real change going on and the world looks very freaky and scary for a lot of it and it’s sort of interesting because it is sort of a transformation for human civilization. We are leaving behind the victimhood and that we are evolving another level of consciousness as a community, not as individuals, but our community will start to become more self-conscious, more mammalian in its character while the current kind of civilization is more of a reptilian civilization where it’s conscious but not self-conscious and that’s what’s happening. We’ve been conscious of what we’ve been doing but not self-conscious meaning, and that’s the character of mammals, is that what you do today, when you are self-conscious, you actually plan what you do today based on what influence/ impact it will have tomorrow.
I do not remember how many predictions about the end of the world have been made in my lifetime, let alone in past centuries or millennia. None of these predictions came true. Remember Y2K? That is but one example of many. December 21, 2012 will be the same.
The Earth is a vastly ancient and conscious living being that does not respond to the manmade Gregorian calendar. December 21, 2012 is just another date on that calendar. There is no reason to be afraid. In fact, we should celebrate this date, not worry about it.
What is crucial to remember is that our thoughts create our reality. Group Mind, the concept of many people thinking about what they would like to manifest at the same time, is far more powerful than our own individual intentions.
During my conversations with Nostradamus, the world-renowned healer, seer and visionary, in many hypnotherapy sessions over the course of several years in the 1980’s, we analyzed an enormous amount of information together to decipher nearly 1000 of his quatrains or prophecies. Although he did cryptically refer to key dates in the modern era by forecasting astrological transits, he never wrote or spoke about December 21, 2012.
That said, Nostradamus emphasized the power of Group Mind to change the course of history. He said the energy of Group Mind becomes squared, meaning these combined thoughts are magnified exponentially. Imagine what would happen if millions of people around the world focused together on positive intentions on December 21, 2012.
The most important thing to know is people are going to feel different if they are paying attention. Take time to ask yourself and look around and you will see people are different from before. Things actually are feeling better and getting better than they were before.
I first began noticing this was happening in 2003, and it has been increasing in strength as we find ourselves rapidly approaching December 21 and the end of 2012. When you take the time to remove yourself from the static of the conspiracy theories and the negativity, through meditation and introspection, you will feel the energy is shifting in your life, in the lives of others, as well as all over the world. Leave all the old, useless stuff behind for the expansive, positive vision of life that awaits us.
We have to remember that everyone alive on Earth has free will. Those who continue to think negatively will continue to create negatively; it is the law of the Universe. In order to benefit from the transformational energy around December 21, 2012, we should focus on positive affirmations and aspirations, and make a real effort to let go of selfish thoughts and desires and forgive those who have wronged us so we can move on.
As this pivotal year comes to a close, the real meaning of December 21, 2012 could be: whatever we think, we create. Think wisely.
Dolores Cannon "
I would like to point out another similarity between DC's work and what Bruce Lipton has found.
In the middle of Bruce Lipton's "Biology, Belief, And Consciousness" C2C AM interview:
Well I just want to get the opportunity to tell the audience that my website, has freely downloadable articles and references in everything we are talking about because I did not come into this because I was a wishful thinker and looking for spirituality, I actually had no handle on that at all and wasn’t even looking for it. It was cells that revealed it and so and what we are talking about is a scientific understanding that we are evolving and this is why I said for example, your program is starting to pick up and things are starting to pick up because we are indeed, on course on an evolutionary jump and interesting enough it may be, by the time the Mayan calendar date 2012 arrives, might actually manifest itself by then. So there is a real change going on and the world looks very freaky and scary for a lot of it and it’s sort of interesting because it is sort of a transformation for human civilization. We are leaving behind the victimhood and that we are evolving another level of consciousness as a community, not as individuals, but our community will start to become more self-conscious, more mammalian in its character while the current kind of civilization is more of a reptilian civilization where it’s conscious but not self-conscious and that’s what’s happening. We’ve been conscious of what we’ve been doing but not self-conscious meaning, and that’s the character of mammals, is that what you do today, when you are self-conscious, you actually plan what you do today based on what influence/ impact it will have tomorrow.
Friday, December 14, 2012
Artemisinin & Tying Together the Etiology of Cancer Links
A couple of days ago, my brother was secretly doing research about a "cure for cancer" and the potential of greed of profit covering up what few scientists actually know- a "conspiracy" so to speak. His research led him to this pdf:
Reading this pdf, he learned about an herb called, Artemisinin, and its curative properties:
Yesterday, my brother found this website and told me about it today:
It goes along with what I've learned from Dr. Bruce Lipton and gives me added knowledge of what else may contribute to cancer indirectly. Some of the stuff stated in regards to treatment is similar to that of what I read in Dr. Steven Eisen's Dog Cancer: The Holistic Answer A Step by Step Guide. All in all, it's treating cancer naturally and holistically.
Planning to add Turmeric; The Parasite Cleanse regimen on Dr. Steven Eisen's website,, which includes Sweet Wormwood, or Artemisinin on week 3 of the 4 week procedure; and potentially with "The 4Life brand of Transfer Factor Plus" as stated on the cancertutor website above. Strengthening the immune system is the key.
Reading this pdf, he learned about an herb called, Artemisinin, and its curative properties:
Yesterday, my brother found this website and told me about it today:
It goes along with what I've learned from Dr. Bruce Lipton and gives me added knowledge of what else may contribute to cancer indirectly. Some of the stuff stated in regards to treatment is similar to that of what I read in Dr. Steven Eisen's Dog Cancer: The Holistic Answer A Step by Step Guide. All in all, it's treating cancer naturally and holistically.
Planning to add Turmeric; The Parasite Cleanse regimen on Dr. Steven Eisen's website,, which includes Sweet Wormwood, or Artemisinin on week 3 of the 4 week procedure; and potentially with "The 4Life brand of Transfer Factor Plus" as stated on the cancertutor website above. Strengthening the immune system is the key.
Thursday, December 13, 2012
For Future Inquiry and Curiosity: Quantum Mechanics and Consciousness?
Found From Google Search: quantum mechanics consciousness
Found From Google Search: quantum mechanics consciousness
Tuesday, December 11, 2012
Nature, Nurture and the Power of Love by Dr. Bruce Lipton
Nature, Nurture and the Power of Love
Dr. Bruce H. Lipton, Ph.D.
Leading edge research in cell biology reveals that “environmental signals” are
primarily responsible for selecting the genes expressed by an organism.
This new perspective is in direct contrast with the established view that our
fate is controlled by our genes. The new emphasis on nurture
(environment) controlling nature (genes) focuses special attention on the
importance of the maternal environment in fetal development. In addition
to the established role of maternal physiology, it is now recognized that
maternal behaviors and emotions profoundly impact the child’s physical
development, behavioral characteristics and even its level of intelligence.
history of human civilization reveals a recurrent preoccupation with the notion
of duality. Black and white, positive and negative, male and female,
winner and loser and of course, the ever controversial, good and evil.
Interestingly, even the nature of "duality" itself led to a
fundamental splitting or duality of human civilization—East and West. In
Eastern philosophy, all aspects of duality are recognized as representing an
underlying unity. All is One, but from that One
springs all of our perceived dualities.
contrast, Western civilization is entirely based upon a philosophy that
emphasizes the distinct polarity inherent in dualism. Our preoccupation
with duality becomes quite volatile when we assign values to the polar
extremes, especially the values of right and wrong. Polar views create
"sides’ and the sides usually compete to provide justification in support
of their stance.
the consequences of the resulting competition over dualistic points of view can
be dualistic. Competition may become destructive, especially when its
resolution leads to physical combat such as wars and revolutions. At other
times, the competition over polar points of view are quite constructive, when
resolutions lead to intellectual and technical advances.
One of
the more recent and most profound examples of a conflict resolution that
advanced humanity is the Quantum Revolution of 1925. Prior to that event
scientists vied over the fundamental "nature" of the units comprising
the universe. Were they comprised of matter or of energy? Matter
was characterized as being composed of discrete particles, while energy was
perceived as intangible waves. Western logic emphasizes the dual,
mutually exclusive, nature of these two states of existence. Particle or
wave, but not both! The stunning and "illogical" resolution in
quantum theory is that the elemental units of nature were both particles and
waves. This fundamentally "Eastern" conclusion emphasizing
"unity" of polarities rocked the scientific world and profoundly
changed physics, chemistry and the fate of Western civilization.
the concept of an inherent unity within "dualism" never fully
penetrated the biological sciences, which still maintains a penchant of
perceiving the biosphere in dualistic philosophy. Nowhere is this dualism
more exemplified than in the ongoing debate between Evolutionists and
Creationists. On the surface, evolution and creation represent mutually
exclusive processes—polarizing concepts.
some seventy years after the Quantum revolution, major dualistic biological
concepts are beginning to resolve themselves as parts of whole, a unity.
One such resolving biological dualism concerns the impact of nature versus
nurture in the structural and functional expression of living organisms.
Those polarized on the side of "nature" invoke the concept of genetic
determinism, the idea that a plant or animal’s characteristics and behavioral
traits are defined by the genes at the moment of conception (i.e., internal
control). The opposing polarized view endorses the role of
"nurture," which recognizes environmental experiences play an
essential role in shaping the characteristics of living organisms (i.e.,
external control).
Such an
argument becomes profoundly important when we consider the role of nature and nurture
on human development. The supporters of "nature" suggest that
characters of human physiology and behavior are genetically predetermined at
conception. They argue that the fate of the child can only be influenced
by the external environment as it relates to the availability of nutrients.
Obviously, malnourished fetuses are physiologically compromised and may not be
able to fully express their genetically "predetermined" fates.
Such a perspective suggests that the developmental fate of the fetus is impervious
to all environmental influences, except for those related to nutritional
management. Conventional medicine emphasizes the provision of nutrition
as essentially the sole role of the mother in (in utero) human development.
alternative perspective, supported by a large number of lay people and a small
contingency of scientists, extends the role of the mother in development.
These "nurturists" contend that maternal attitudes and emotions have
a fundamental impact on the developmental expression of the fetus. Until
recently, this perspective has received little or no attention by conventional
scientists that consider the fetus develops within a "closed"
environment (the placenta), "isolated" from the mother’s experiences.
resolution between the dualism of nature and nurture is illustrated in the case
of the claims made by Charles Murray and Richard Herrnstein in their book, The
Bell Curve. These authors stirred up the nature/nurture controversy
recently when they invoked the naturists’ party line to declare that human
intelligence is determined by the genes. Their contention was that
intelligence is based upon breeding and the world is dividing itself into a
polarity of an intelligent and a less-intelligent population. Their racist
hypothesis, which raises the specter of Nazi Germany, devalued the role of
environment and concluded that "we" are victims of genetic fate.
Murray and Herrnstein’s conclusions have recently been challenged by Bernie
Devlin and co-workers who recently published their scientific assessment in the
prestigious journal Nature [1]. Their studies revealed that intelligence
was only about 34% based on genes (nature), with a whopping 66% based upon
environmental factors (nurture). Devlin’s findings are highly relevant
since they emphasize the significance of the prenatal environment as one of the
primary factors influencing intelligence. Such results are more in line
with the "quantum" idea that biological expression represents both
nature and nurture.
the views of scientists are beginning to change, the mass of researchers still
cling to biological concepts founded on the now outdated principles of
Newtonian physics. Though seventy years late in recognizing the new
principles of quantum physics, the philosophical foundation of conventional
biology is beginning to radically change. Leading edge research in the
field of cell biology now reveals that the naturists’ dogma concerning genetic
determinism is no longer valid.
studies show that genes are "not self-emergent," that is, genes are
not capable of turning themselves on or off [2]. Consequently, if a gene
can not regulate its own expression, then genes can not be invoked as the
"controllers" of organismal expression. Rather than being "self-emergent,"
gene programs are controlled by "environmental" signals. The
dogma of genetic determinism is giving way to a concept that recognizes living
organisms as "dynamical systems," ones that are capable of actively
reprogramming gene behaviors to accommodate environmental changes.
recent and radical change in perspective concerns the conventional neoDarwinian
view that the gene blueprints can only be modified by the process of
"random" mutations. Based upon the revolutionary studies of geneticist
John Cairns published ten years ago, science is now considering the role of
"adaptive" mutations [3, 4]. Cairns’ hypothesis, which is now
acquiring recognition, reveals that through "instructive"
interactions with the environment, organisms as primitive as bacteria, can
actively rewrite existing genetic programs to accommodate
environmentally-induced stresses. Consequently, organisms are far from
being genetically determined, for they may actively select, or in some
instances, even rewrite gene programs as they experience and interpret
environmental stimuli.
malleable aspect of gene expression is an extremely important point in terms of
fetal development. In the uterus, the fetus is in a constant state of
"downloading" genetic information required for human development,
growth and protection responses. The cytological structures and molecular
pathways required by cells to effect these processes are programmed by DNA
"blueprints" known as genes. The complete set of gene
instructions, known as the genome, is principally localized in the cell’s
nucleus. Within each nucleus there are two complete sets of genes, one
full set derived from each parent. By mixing and matching specific genes
derived from each of the two sets, individuals may exhibit a widely ranging
repertoire of structural and physiological characteristics.
spite of the overt genetic differences in characteristic traits within and
among the divergent species in the biosphere, ALL biological organisms, from
bacteria to humans, share one biological behavior: the will to survive.
When the life of any organism is compromised, it will enact behavioral programs
that will enable it to stay alive. This fundamental drive for survival,
built into every organism, is referred to as a "biological
behaviors that collectively provide for organismal survival may be conveniently
subdivided into two functional categories: behaviors supporting GROWTH and
those supporting PROTECTION [5]. Growth-related behaviors include activities
associated with seeking nutrients and supportive environments for personal
survival and the seeking of mates for species survival. Protection
behaviors are those activities employed by organisms to avoid harm.
behaviors are associated with the character of attraction. organisms are
"attracted" toward elements of the environment that support their
life (e.g., food, water, air and mates). In contrast, protective
behaviors are most frequently associated with repulsion. Protection
responses to life threatening stimuli are generally characterized by avoidance
reactions. When confronting an inescapable life threatening situation, a
fleeing organism may turn and become the aggressor. For example, a rat
will take flight from a dog. When backed into a corner with no other
recourse, that same rat will lunge at the dog and fight for its survival.
In humans, the activity of the adrenal system is most important in controlling
the protection-related flight or fight reactions.
single cells, growth and protective survival behaviors can readily be
distinguished by observing the cell’s motility. Cells expressing
growth-related behaviors move toward (attraction) life sustaining environmental
stimuli. In contrast, cells expressing protection-related behaviors move
away from (repulsion) life threatening stimuli. Stimuli that does not
influence organismal survival results in an indifferent response. At our
level of perception, the behavior of single-celled organisms appears to be
"digital," they either move toward specific positive (+) stimuli or
away from specific negative (-) stimuli.
studies on molecular control mechanisms support this "digital" nature
of regulating behavior. It has been recognized that cells possess
"gang" switches, which actively shunt growth pathways into protection
behaviors in response to threatening environmental stimuli [6, 7]. Growth
and protection appear to be mutually exclusive behaviors in single cells;
apparently, individual cells can not be in growth and protection at the same
time. A similar growth/protection behavior occurs in regard to the
function of the micro vascular network in humans. Blood vessels can
either support nutrition or inflammation (protection), but cannot provide for
both functions at the same time [8].
duality of survival behaviors in multicellular organisms, including humans,
essentially reflect those exhibited by single cells. As you may recognize
in your own life, humans gravitate to (attracted toward) positive
life-supporting stimuli, while they move away from (repelled by)
life-compromising stimuli. Rather than the "digital" (on/off)
nature of the response as observed in unicellular species, the additive
responses of the individual cells comprising multicellular organisms create
behaviors that are more "analog" or "graded" in their
expression. The more relevant a stimulus is to the organism’s survival,
the more polarized (either + or -) the resulting response. In humans, the
extremes of the two polarities might appropriately be described as LOVE (+) and
FEAR (-).
As with
every living system, the selection of growth or protection programs by the
fetus is based upon its perception of its environment. The environment
perceived by the fetus is the maternal blood from which it receives nourishment
and "information." Nourishment is derived from the metabolites
transported in the mother’s blood. Environmental "information"
is provided by signal molecules, such as hormones, neuropeptides and cytokines
(immune-related "hormones"), which also circulate within the maternal
It is
important to note that the environmental information observed by the fetus was
not primarily intended for the fetus. The blood-borne information signals
were deployed by the maternal nervous system in response to her perception of
her environment. These signals, which directly impact growth and
protection behaviors, were intended to regulate maternal organs, tissues and
cells. If the mother’s nervous system perceives that the environment is
threatening to either her or her fetus’ survival, it will release informational
signals that will engage a protective response and prepare her for flight or
fight. When the system’s valuable energy resources are directed toward
promoting protection behaviors, growth behaviors must necessarily compromised.
blood-borne information signals not only affect the maternal system, for the
same signals cross the placenta and profoundly impact the genetics and behavior
of the developing fetus. Initially, one might think that free passage of
maternal signals through the placenta represents a "defect" in
Nature’s mechanism. Far from being a design flaw, the transfer of
maternal environment-related signals to the fetal system is Nature’s way of
providing the baby with an advantage in dealing with the world it will soon
enter. The old axiom, being forewarned is being forearmed, is appropriate
to apply to this situation.
the maternal system’s ability to relay environmental information to the
developing offspring, the mother’s perceptions directly impact the selection of
gene programs that may enhance the survival of her offspring, and ultimately
that of the species [9]. The down side of the story is that through a
"misperception" of her environment, a mother can negatively impact
the survival of her child. For example, a pregnant woman in an abusive
environment will continuously relay distress signals, which would shunt
resources from growth-related behaviors to protection-related behaviors, in
both herself and in her fetus.
As has
recently been established environmentally directed maternal influences may
impact more than just the subsequent generation. An observation referred
to as the "grandmother effect" reveals Dutch women who were on
starvation diets during the famine of World War II, produced smaller than
babies. Interestingly, this pattern of stunted growth continued
into the next generation [10]. There are now many examples of how
maternal observations of environmental exigencies profoundly alter the growth,
phenotype (physiological expression), sex ratios and even the sexual maturation
period of their offspring, all in an effort to ensure the survival of their
conclusions that can be drawn from science’s leading front is as follows:
Biological behaviors can be scored as growth-promoting or protection-related.
The metabolic investment required to support protection responses comes at the
cost of compromising growth. Selection of growth and protection behaviors
is a dynamical process that is actively mediated by the organism in response to
perceived environmental signals. Signals engendering threats of survival,
that is fear, shunt growth mechanisms. Signals relaying the existence of
supportive environments, those emphasizing love, encourage the selection of
growth-related genetic programs. These decisively important love/fear
signals are relayed to the fetus via the blood-borne molecules produced in
response to the mother’s perception of her environment. Since the
offspring will spend their lives in the same or essentially the same
environment as they are born in, developmental "programming" of the
neonate by the mother is of adaptive value in species survival [11]. This
is Nature’s equivalent of a "head start" program.
As we
stand on the doorstep of the new millennium, we are releasing limiting ideas
and replacing them with knowledge that will facilitate the survival of the
human race. One important part of that new vision is the turning away
from the old Darwinian notion of the "survival of the fittest" and
the adoption of a new credo, the "survival of the most loving!"
The Holistic Medicine Approach
Cancer, Alzheimer’s, Systemic Lupus
Erythematosus, and AIDS are only some of the progressively deteriorating,
incurable diseases affecting the human species. Many of these diseases seem to
be pronounced death sentences. Growing up in this Western culture of medicine
in the United States, I’ve come to the notion that if one is ill, give them
pills. If one has strep throat, give them antibiotics. We are a pill-popping
culture, and subsequently, what’s the scenario for us when popping pills is no
longer effective in curing the illness? Palliative care until end of life is
the assumed default in this Western approach of treatment and medicine. To some
people, that future in itself is already a grim landscape far too unpleasant.
However, unbeknownst to certain people or perhaps scoffed upon in the eyes of
some, Eastern medicine has alternative treatments, such as herbal medicine,
acupuncture, Tui na massage, Qi gong exercise, and dietary therapy, for many of
these diseases deemed incurable. While its effects are not guaranteed, there
are many cases in which individuals have seemingly miraculously recovered from
cancer, diabetes, arthritis, paralysis, heart disease, severe depression,
systemic lupus, and many other chronic illnesses (Collins, 2010). Interestingly
enough, there is in fact a hospital in China, called the Huaxia Zhineng Qigong
Center, which routinely dissolves cancerous tumors with the practice of Qi
gong, making it a medicinal-free hospital (Collins, 2010). At this site,
there’s a videotape recording showing four Qigong masters, who were being
monitored live with the use of real-time CT scan by 2 doctors, dissolving an
orange-sized tumor in a cancer patient within forty seconds, just with the
power of qi. Additionally, since its inception of this practice, the Center has
cared for over 135,000 patients, totaling over 180 different diseases, and has
achieved a mesmerizing 95% success rate (Collins, 2010). As unbelievable as
that may sound, I’m not advocating to immediately discontinue Western practice
of medicine, as it does have benefits over the Eastern approach towards this,
but I argue that there needs to be a holistic approach towards treatment of
diseases that are currently deemed incurable in Western culture.
Western culture has key differences in
their perspectives on medicine from Eastern culture. Western culture focuses on
the belief that human beings can control nature. Foreign invaders are the
causes of illness. Health is the absence of disease, pain, and symptoms of
illness, and illness is the destructive process characterized by specific
symptoms due to a specific cause (“Eastern versus Western Medicine,” 2002).
Because of this thinking, symptoms are merely seen as manifestations of the
dis-ease, and therefore, only as phenomena that should be suppressed. The
typical causes of illnesses are generally foreign invaders that may or may not
accompany peripheral forces. Additionally, the progression of diseases is
solely characterized by the maladaptive development in terms of physiologic
structures. Personal responsibility for their illness is often deemed
irrelevant, as there is this scope of belief that our genes are the ones to
blame, and we are victims of our heredity. Understanding the illness has become
separate from the patient’s being. Human beings are still being seen under the
archaic model of mechanical Newtonian physics, as we are machines in conflict,
and the physician is the mechanic who works to fix what is broken (“Eastern
versus Western Medicine,” 2002). Treatment is focused on curing diseases and
suppressing symptoms with drugs or surgery. Mind and body are looked at with
the viewpoint of attached yet separate, as these are not definitively
connected. And last but not least, it’s unaware of energy-based physiology, known
as Qi, prana, or simply a life force coursing throughout every living beings’
body, and therefore, there is no detection, classification, or measurement of
its effects in the stages of illnesses (“Eastern versus Western Medicine,”
Eastern Medicine revolves around this
bio-energy of life. Disruption in qi is the ultimate causal disruption of
vitality. Health is a condition in which the body is balanced and adaptive to
its environment. Illness is the result seen due to disharmony and imbalance of
adaptability, disrupting the flow of qi (“Eastern versus Western Medicine,”
2002). Any force that interferes with the balance and flow of qi would be
causes of illness, such as one’s psyche and environmental stress. Symptoms are
manifestations and messages from the body that there is chaos and unstable
underlying emotions and issues that need to be addressed. Symptoms tend to
start out small, and if these messages are ignored, the condition becomes a
little worse with a little more pain until it becomes something of a chronic,
full-blown nature. These incurable diseases are then the end result of multiple
insults to the body, not just one. Through the eyes of Eastern medicine,
disease is essentially the dis-ease of the body. The development of illness is
characterized by stages in which energy imbalances disrupts normal body
functions that force the body to adapt but after numerous “attacks”, the
adaptive process has become maladaptive to the extent that there are
physiological changes in tissue (“Eastern versus Western Medicine,” 2002).
Clearly, adaptation is not always successful, and in certain cases, these
adaptations are only temporary “hold-outs” before more provocative changes
occur. Personal awareness and responsibility of our own psyche and
environmental lifestyle are keys if serious illnesses are to be prevented and
or “healed” for lack of a better word. (I am not particularly fond of this word
“healed” because it gives the impression that this is “miracle” work, and has
no scientific value behind why this works, for there is.) The mind and body are
inseparably connected as one, and diseases are essentially psychosomatics, in
that physical symptoms originate from emotional turmoil. Furthermore, man is
seen as an ecosystem or a garden, in which the physician is the gardener or
assistant in cultivating life (“Eastern versus Western Medicine,” 2002). The
physician only facilitates the patient to better health, and is not a mechanic
in fixing what is broken in a machine. Rather, we, as individuals are our own
healers. Additionally, the science behind Eastern medicine is in alignment with
quantum field mechanics, and not the mechanical Newtonian physics, which has
been proved to have flaws at the subatomic level in the basis of Western
Much of the psychosomatic
theory that is deeply ingrained in Eastern Medicine has recently been adopted
by Western doctor named Dr. Bruce Lipton after he made a breakthrough discovery
in his research and studies of what controls biology. Dr. Bruce Lipton was a
cellular biologist at the University of Wisconsin, and it was there that he was
experimenting with dystrophic and pathological human muscle cells in an effort
to understand what was controlling their fate and the control process (Lipton,
2001). What he found greatly differed from the “common-day” knowledge that we
are controlled by our genes. The research showed that it was the perception of
the environment that was controlling the cell, and at the human level, it’s our
beliefs that are selecting our genes. It was through this discovery that led
him to accede with the new-age, spiritual beliefs that we are not victims of
our heredity, but victims of detrimental self-defacing thoughts of ourselves.
As we know, genes are found in the nucleus of a cell, and if genes dictate who
we are, the nucleus is the control-center. This is the conventional biology
that we are taught in school and in textbooks. Well looking at this in terms of
fractals, the control center of the human body is the brain, and interestingly
enough, there is no new function present in the human body that isn’t already
present in one cell. Every cell has a respiratory function, digestive function,
nervous system, immune system, reproductive system, and that essentially, the
cell and a human being, which is made up of trillion of cells, are structurally
the same. A human being is a fractal of a cell. Now, what would happen if one
were take away the brain or the control-center of the entity, may it be a cell
or a human? Death would be the answer. So if one takes away the nucleus of the
cell, it should die. If one removes the brain from a living organism, it dies.
However, in a process that Dr. Bruce Lipton performed himself called
enucleation, or removal of the nucleus, the cell continued to live for months
with no genes at all and continued to perform all of the functions it was
capable of doing just as before the nucleus was taking out (Lipton, 2001).
Thereby, he realized that the nucleus is not the brain or control-center of the
cell, as the genes are no longer present. Genes do not control biology. He
asserts that this is a flawed assumption that was never proven scientifically
(Lipton, 2001). Truly shocking! Additionally, further flaws are evident with
this model of biology as seen in the Human Genome Project. If cells work in the
fashion that genes control biology, then there has to be the requisition of at
least 120,000 genes to make a human being. When the Genome Project was
completed, they found less than 35,000 genes were required (Lipton, 2001).
About two-thirds of the genes required to make a human being are not present.
This further proves that the conventional wisdom is wrong and that genes do not
control biology. So, where is the brain of the cell? To answer this, one need
to understand that proteins are the building blocks of structure in the cell.
Proteins are further made up by amino acids, and it’s the length and sequence
of the amino acids that make each protein unique. Furthermore, protein ends are
negatively charged, and since likes repel and opposites attract, the ends are
pushed away from each other. However, when a positively charged signal arrives
and binds to one end of the negatively charged protein, that end becomes
positive and attracts the other negatively charged end of the protein, causing
the shape to change. And in a cell, this change in the shape of the protein
causes further actions in the cell. Therefore, the conclusion is that at the
cellular level, the presence of a signal causes the protein to change shape and
cause a certain action, or behavior, to occur within the cell. If there is just
the protein and no signal, nothing happens. There is no behavior by the cell,
but with the signal, there is behavior. Therefore, the brain of the cell is the
structure that responds to the signal and tells the cell what to do. The skin
of the cell, or the cell membrane, is the brain. In fact, thinking in terms of
fractals once again, the skin of a human being is very much related to being
the brain, despite the fact that we have a cerebrum in our cranium. Here’s the
amazing part that Dr. Bruce Lipton connected. In embryology, there are three
germ layers: endoderm, mesoderm, and ectoderm. Each layer gives rise to
different tissues, and astonishingly, the outermost layer, or the ectoderm,
gives rise to the skin and the central nervous system (Lipton, 2001). It’s the
skin that’s reading the environment and is what’s telling the cytoplasm what to
do. Again, the nucleus can be removed, and all is well because the nucleus is
not the brain of the cell, but the gonad. The nucleus is the blueprints that
contain the instructions to build, but it doesn’t know when and what’s needed,
only the how. That’s why the cell will die eventually with no nucleus, but it’s
only the recipe book. It’s the cell membrane, which is covered with proteins
that act as receptors, that picks up the environmental signal and produces
action or behavior. A cell in a Petri dish with no stimulus in the environment
(such as nutrients or toxins), would just be idling there, as there is no
environmental signal. A cell’s life is in response to how the cell responds to
its environment, just as how a human being’s life is how he responds to his
environment. The cell membrane’s receptors are the proteins that cover the
outside of the membrane, waiting to pick up a signal. The human beings’
receptors are sight, smell, taste, hear, and feel. The function of the receptor
is awareness of the environment. Therefore, it’s perception that controls
behavior. It’s the awareness of the environment that is causing the protein on
the surface to change shape and causes processor proteins within the cell to be
able to fit into that “lock and key” to pass on the signal and activate the
pathway (Lipton, 2001). Incredibly, genes haven’t even been involved yet.
Behavior of the cell is not programmed. It’s constantly adjusting to the
responses in the environment. So what happens if the environmental signal shows
up, but the required proteins are not currently present in the cell? Now, the
DNA’s role comes in to play when it’s needed. Genes do not self-activate, in
the sense that they do not turn on nor turn off by themselves. Thereby, the
search for the cancer gene in recent times is a flawed and futile effort. If
the gene really caused cancer, then the individual should have expressed the
illness once he was born. Because once the cells started to replicate and
divide, the “cancer” gene would’ve started to produce cancer (Lipton, 2001). It
is truly shocking that this antiquated notion that genes control us has been
constantly reiterated to such a degree, that this has become common
“knowledge.” However, the truth of the matter is that this was never scientific
reality. It was never scientifically established that genes control anything.
The conventional belief that genes “control” biology is false. The truth is
very well articulated in an article titled, Metaphors and the Role of Genes in
Development, written by H.F. Nijhout, in which, states “When a gene product is
needed, a signal from its environment, not an emergent property of the gene
itself, activates expression of that gene.” The genes are not self-selecting,
but are selecting based off the environment that one is in. The right question
to ask is what change occurred in one’s life that promoted the activation of
that gene that had been dormant?
Dr. Lipton further
explains that half of the nucleus of a cell contains DNA and the other half
contains protein. The protein that covers the DNA is similar to the sleeve of a
dress shirt that covers the arm of a person, which is the gene. To read the
gene, the protein must be stripped, as similarly, to see the arm, the shirt
sleeve needs to be stripped. And how is the protein “stripped”? Again, when the
signal is present, the protein changes shape and the DNA is exposed. The gene
was always there, but the difference is that the signal has emerged. Now,
researchers of the past few decades have made a disturbing mistake when trying
to study genes. They would do so by retrieving the nucleus from a cell and breaking
it open to expose the chromosomes. They would subsequently separate the protein
from the DNA, and then throw away the protein (Lipton, 2001). However, the
protein that they have been throwing away is indeed the ultimate controller of
the genes. Researchers need to be studying this system as a whole, and not as
individual parts. This was a crucial mistake among researchers in the past
several decades in solely studying the DNA. That is why textbooks will only
describe the process of RNA transcription with DNA, producing the RNA chain,
producing the protein, as the researchers removed 50% of the material in the
nucleus. What really happens is that an environmental signal will cause the
regulatory protein to change shape and exposes the DNA, and so forth.
Ultimately, it’s the perception that controls and selects which genes one will
express. We now know that when the environmental signal calls for the need of a
particular protein that is not present, the signal goes to the nucleus to have
the protein produced (Lipton, 2001).
However, what happens if
one is under a stressful environment and there are no appropriate genes in the
nucleus to respond to this signal? The only way to overcome this then is to
alter the genes. In conventional biology and Darwinian theory, the only
mechanism for change to occur is through “random” mutations, as these are
accidental. This is the conventional belief. However, in a 1988 article titled,
The Origin of Mutants, John Cairns published his profound findings, in which he
argues about a new type of mutation. Adaptive mutations occur under the
influences of environmental pressures. Through this, the genes are constantly
being adjusted to fit the environment that one is living in. Interestingly
enough, one major problem with the well-renowned evolution theory is that the
evolution timeline seems to have gone by much too fast. Emile Borel and Fred
Hoyle are examples of two mathematicians who reject the theory of evolution
based off statistical grounds for the amount of time that has passed for
prokaryotes to have evolved into numerous, massive complex eukaryotic organisms
(Phillips, 2005). (Additionally, there are many other major problems with the
theory of evolution, as many modern-day scientists point out serious problems
with evolution. Absolutely amazing! It just goes to show that perhaps much of
the knowledge that is in textbooks these days are still flawed and incorrect).
Furthermore, in another grounds-breaking corroborating article titled, Test
Tube Evolution Catches Time in a Bottle, Mr. Appenzeller conducted an
experiment, in which a population of bacteria was placed into five separate
test tubes. Then, each tube was placed under the same environmental stress. The
result? Amazingly enough, bacteria in all five individual test tubes had the
same exact genetic changes as all the others. However, where’s the “random”
mutation in that? The answer is that it’s not random! As stated verbatim from
the article, “These miniature adaptive radiations unfold in the same way every
time, governed by the available environmental niches.” Evolutionary genetic
changes are occurring to help the individual better adapt to the environment
that he believes he lives in. After all, if one believes the environment is
conducive to what he needs, nothing needs to be changed, and vice versa. So,
ultimately, it’s perception that is changing one’s DNA. I need to note that
perception and environment are two separate aspects. One could be living in a
safe, supportive environment, but that may not be the prevailing belief. He may
feel that he is in a very toxic environment. So, although perception is often
influenced by the environment, it ultimately boils down to one’s beliefs, as
our perceptions are the ones that lead to and control the Genetic Engineering
Genes present in each and every cell in our bodies whose sole function is to
rewrite the other genes when necessary to allow for adaptation (Lipton, 2001).
Therefore, it’s interesting to note that while identical twins are supposed to
have exact copies of DNA with each other (as that was a notion believed to be
true at a certain time) (Casselman, 2008). That notion is actually false, as
our individual experiences and perceptions rewrite our genes. Incredibly, this
learning already starts while in utero (Lipton, 2001).
Furthermore, it’s very
intriguing to note the Placebo effect, and how it further corroborates into
this phenomenon. Let’s say that we have a patient who is sick, and you, being
the doctor, tell this patient that this medicine, which is really nothing more
than a sugar pill, will work and cure you of your condition or illness. What
may in fact happen is that the patient will experience a full recovery from the
condition or illnesses, despite the fact that the pill was just sugar. This
phenomenon is a prime example of the power of the mind and of one’s
perceptions! On the other hand, there is the less renowned phenomenon known as
the Nocebo effect. Now, let’s say I have someone who is indeed healthy and free
of illness, but you, being the doctor (or someone of credible status), tell him
that he has a certain illness or condition, what will happen may astound you.
The person, who is indeed very healthy, will develop the illness that you told
him he “has.” Absolutely incredible! Again, all of this is due to the power of
one’s own mind and perceptions!
In light of all of this,
the good news is that the majority of our genes is already intact and present
to help us survive. Natural instincts, such as the immediate withdrawal of our
hand from the surface of a scalding hot oven, are innately-propagated into our
genes by perceptions operating in a lower level of consciousness (Lipton,
2001). However, most of the rewrites that do occur in our genes are based off
negative perceptions. As such, many illnesses are the result of that. 95% of
cancers have no hereditary links and are actively manifested through one’s
negative perceptions and emotions, causing the genes to be rewritten (Lipton,
2001). Hence, we each are very powerful beings, but we may not realize that.
Our perceptions are selecting and rewriting our genes! We have much more
control over our lives than previously thought, and we are not victims of our
heredity. Interestingly enough, in cases in which Dr. Bruce Lipton took out
muscular dystrophic cells out of sick patients and placed them in a proper
healthy environment, the cells grew consistently well, but when they were in a
negative environment, they didn’t! Again, it is due to the negative perceptions
within the body that are being broadcasted to each and every cell in the body.
The genes in one’s cells have two basic programs consisting of either growth or
protection. When one is in an environment, their belief will either sway them
towards the growth program or protection program. This is seen in which cells
in a nutrient-rich petri dish will experience the growth program, as the cells
will move towards the positive stimulus. However, cells in a toxin-filled petri
dish will experience the protective program, as the cells move away from the toxins.
Cells cannot move both towards and away from the stimulus concurrently.
Therefore, cells are in an either-or state.
On the scale of a human
being, the greatest growth-promoting signal is love, and the strongest
negative-promoting signal is fear. In the body, there is the
Hypothalamus-Pituitary-Adrenal gland system, in which one’s perception of the
environment provides either a positive or negative signal. If the signal is
negative, the pituitary gland will cause the adrenal glands to release stress hormones,
particularly Norepenephrine and Epinephrine, and engage the fight-or-flight
mode. These stress hormones suppress the immune system and shut down growth
(Lipton, 2001). If these stress hormone levels are constantly high, the body is
in a constant state of protection, along with having a decreased immune system.
Now, how long can one last in a state of protection before problems occur in
the body? Let’s think of it this way. If there was a bomb threat in the society
and everyone went from their jobs in a growth-filled environment and into their
bomb shelters, growth has stopped. People can last in their bomb shelters with
certain supplies, but those will run out. And if the bomb threat is incessantly
there, and everyone is arrested in their shelters, it’s only a matter of time
before resources run out and small problems turn into massive chaos. The same
happens in the body. However, let’s say that the bomb threat is present, but
the perception of the people was (as awkwardly as this may sound) is of safety
and security, people would still be continuing their jobs and lives and they
would still be in a state of growth, despite this potential danger. Ultimately,
the perception of the environment is what causes growth or protection.
It sounds simple enough.
Change my beliefs, and all will follow suit. Pretty simple, but here’s the
catch. All of us, ever since we were a child, have grown up with filters of how
to perceive life. Filters of society, filters from our parents, filters of
false knowledge and misperceptions have caused each of our beliefs to have
seeped into the core of our subconscious. Every once in a while, we can
selectively and consciously force ourselves to think positive and what not, but
in our subconscious, those prevailing beliefs that have been ingrained so
deeply are the ones running the majority of the time. And frankly, some are not
very pleasant. I understand that all of us have our insecurities, and many
times, our predominant thoughts can be rather negative and self-deprecating. However,
we have to understand to take responsibility for our psyche and realize that we
are not victims of our heredity. One is not condemned to breast cancer because
it “runs” in their family. One is not condemned to Alzheimer’s because of a
family history. One is not condemned to Diabetes because of a family history,
and so forth. What we need to do is remove these filters that have been
interfering with our lives and replace them with favorable ones. We are
omnipotent and are the ultimate controllers of our lives. While much of this
must seem so foreign and awkward, much of what Dr. Bruce Lipton has talked
about is starting to merge science and spirituality into one. Ultimately, this
raises many questions with regards to how hospitals and how medical diagnoses
and prognoses should be structured. Should nurses and doctors be informing
patients of negative diagnoses or prognoses? What kind of psychological
interventions should be implemented for each and every patient in light of this
discovery, either as a primary, secondary, or tertiary prevention? Should we
include the use of the placebo effect, despite these “ethical” issues?
Additionally, much more focus would be geared towards screening and treating
depression and raising the mood level, and not just towards increasing a
patient’s energy level. Ultimately, much of what I’ve explained is the
scientific explanation behind these “miracles,” and Dr. Bruce Lipton’s work and
conclusions support many of the principles seen in Eastern medicine, and not to
mention, the tenets in New-Age Spirituality. Eastern medicine, while different
from Western medicine, has positive aspects that need to be considered, and
while I admit I’ve digressed to a certain degree on this essay about the
science behind Eastern medicine, I believe we need an amalgamation of Western
and Eastern medicine to not only treat these illnesses but hopefully cure and
ultimately resolve each and every illness in the long run. I know this sounds
like the works out of science fiction, but this discovery has shed new light on
this topic and may very well be the stemming-off point for the future of
medicine and nursing.
**(If you’re deeply
intrigued into the work and findings of Dr. Bruce Lipton, I strongly encourage
you to read his book, The Biology of Belief).
Appenzeller, Tim, (1999). Test Tube
Evolution Catches Time in a Bottle. Science. 284 (5423), pp.2108
Cairns, John, (1988). The Origin of
Mutants. Nature. 335 (), pp.142-145
Casselman, Anne, (2008). Identical Twins' Genes Are Not Identical. [ONLINE] Available at:
[Last Accessed December 3, 2012].
Collins, Danica, (2010). Ancient Chinese Healing, Qigong Dissolves Cancer
Tumors. [ONLINE]
Available at:
[Last Accessed November 25, 2012].
Lipton, Bruce H, (2001). Nature, Nurture and
Human Development. Journal of Prenatal and Perinatal
Psychology and Health.
16 (2), pp.167-180
Nijhout, HF, (1990). Metaphors and the
role of genes in development. Bioessays. 12 (9), pp.441-446
Phillips, Tom, (2005). Science Debunks Evolution .
[ONLINE] Available at: [Last Accessed
November 28, 2012].
(2002). Eastern versus Western Medicine. [ONLINE] Available at: [Last Accessed November 25, 2012].
Interesting New-Age Science Blog:
Otto Krog2 days ago
This is a very interesting subject.
I am sure that you are your own parallel universe. Your universe is different than your neighbours. There are infinite parallel universes like this, and when they combine they form what we call reality.
My idea is that the wave function collapse in quantum physics, is misinterpreted as a particle. The original standard model predicted that there is no mass. Peter Higgs explained mass mathematically through what later became the Higgs Boson. The Higgs Boson was found this summer, but it is still uncertain, whether it has the properties necessary to confirm the standard model fully, and even if it does, then it still does not fit into relativity.
I have a theory that could explain a lot of mysteries, but definitely not them all. The basis of my theory is to assume the nucleus of the atom as a standing wave, and assume that mass does not exist. Then energy would flow from minus energy (antimatter) to plus energy (matter.) The antimatter exists in parallel universes, therefore no annihilation. The end result would be an average of zero energy. The universe is a hologram of electromagnetism (waves) flowing from plus energy to minus energy in space and time.
Read about the theory and see video presentations on
Otto Krog2 days ago
This is a very interesting subject.
I am sure that you are your own parallel universe. Your universe is different than your neighbours. There are infinite parallel universes like this, and when they combine they form what we call reality.
My idea is that the wave function collapse in quantum physics, is misinterpreted as a particle. The original standard model predicted that there is no mass. Peter Higgs explained mass mathematically through what later became the Higgs Boson. The Higgs Boson was found this summer, but it is still uncertain, whether it has the properties necessary to confirm the standard model fully, and even if it does, then it still does not fit into relativity.
I have a theory that could explain a lot of mysteries, but definitely not them all. The basis of my theory is to assume the nucleus of the atom as a standing wave, and assume that mass does not exist. Then energy would flow from minus energy (antimatter) to plus energy (matter.) The antimatter exists in parallel universes, therefore no annihilation. The end result would be an average of zero energy. The universe is a hologram of electromagnetism (waves) flowing from plus energy to minus energy in space and time.
Read about the theory and see video presentations on
Wednesday, December 5, 2012
Article: Outgoing Gorillas Live Longer Than Shy Ones
"The results revealed the the more sociable, active, playful and curious the gorilla, the longer it was likely to live. The results are consistent with studies finding that human extroverts outlive introverts, too, study researcher Alex Weiss of the University of Edinburgh said in a statement."
Is it just extraversion, or is it having meaningful relationships, being active, having a goal & purpose, and being curious in life that promotes longevity? And with my new-found understanding from Bruce Lipton's work, our perceptions select which genes turn on and off and even change our genes based off our perceptions of the environment. These things listed all give us much satisfaction in life and as a result, translate to our biology.
"The results revealed the the more sociable, active, playful and curious the gorilla, the longer it was likely to live. The results are consistent with studies finding that human extroverts outlive introverts, too, study researcher Alex Weiss of the University of Edinburgh said in a statement."
Is it just extraversion, or is it having meaningful relationships, being active, having a goal & purpose, and being curious in life that promotes longevity? And with my new-found understanding from Bruce Lipton's work, our perceptions select which genes turn on and off and even change our genes based off our perceptions of the environment. These things listed all give us much satisfaction in life and as a result, translate to our biology.
Tuesday, December 4, 2012
A Conversation with a Completely Unexpected Turn of Events
The negative beliefs in my subconscious are the reasons for
the pains in my life. Today my clinical professor, Jessie, and I had a heart to
heart talk for the second and last time this semester. Today was my last day at
Silvercrest Senior Center and Salvation Army’s Meals that Heal. We talked all
about the future of nursing, RN job opportunities, nurse practitioners, the MSN
& DNP programs, RN transition programs, and networking. Doesn’t seem like
topics that would cause me to become emotional. Towards the end of our talk, simply
put, wanting to be my normal, introverted self, I wanted to get out of the
group lunch Jessie had set up with where I would have to force myself to
interact with a bunch of girls that I had no connection with and felt awkward
and insecure around. At first read here, it’s hard to understand why this would
lead to a complete 180. But as it would turn out, I would come out of our talk
with a whole lot of mixed emotions.
P.S. My writing for this post has been here and there and all over. I feel it has been rather unorganized and when I started writing this post, I felt more depressed than I do now, after writing it for today. I haven't written this style of post in a while now so that may account for the mere adequate flow of the post. I may send Jessie and email tomorrow to tell her how I appreciate her support. It's Wednesday; 12:12 AM now December 5th, 2012. I'm going to bed. Nightie Night.
I felt cared about. She acknowledged how I felt and was understanding instead of doing what most people do wrong- by trying to use logic to persuade them to feel better. I cried and with the few words I could
conjure up, I expressed holistically with my tears of my frustrations about
what has happened recently, about trying to get Lucky to be at that state of health
and happiness I want her to be at, frustration from feeling as if I’m being
judged when walking Lucky and a car or pedestrian goes by and can see them give
looks at Lucky and I. My other mixed feelings are feelings of aloneness,
feelings of being different from people my age socially, feelings of having so
little friends in my life when compared to most others my age, and frustrations
from feeling so deeply while being very sensitive to my emotions and yet not
being able to express those feelings in an uninhibited manner. In the back of
my mind, I have always known that I am quite sensitive to my emotions and can
be easily overwhelmed by them into tears, but I was still rather surprised to hear Jessie tell me that she could tell that I was very sensitive.
More frustration is mixed in holistically from working hard academically for a future that I have trouble feeling confident about as a result of my introverted personality and shyness. Jessie told me that networking is important to finding a job, and isolating myself from my cohorts of students-who I have trouble relating to because I enjoy different types of socialization and due to my negative beliefs but regardless of the reasons- I am setting myself up for failure. I cringed inside when I heard her say those words. Ever since I was in preschool, I’ve known I have tendencies that make me less sociable than others. I have shyness that I consider to be hindering and has caused me much pain in my life. In fact, one of the predominant reasons I continue to put so much effort into this blog is so I can use this understanding of myself to help me talk and connect to people emotionally and make that genuine emotional connection.
I cried for the second time this semester. Excluding the last one this past semester, the last time I cried like this was probably in 8th grade of middle school. I will admit that there is definitely some part of me that loves conversations of this depth and intimacy as it makes me feel authentically connected with that person emotionally. It definitely takes someone who knows how to console someone to really comfort someone in pain. She gave me a hug after I regained some of my composure. I told her how making friends has never been easy for me, and feeling different from others, with what's happened recently, with Jessie just telling me a side of nursing from her experience that seemed to thwart my ideal plan of 3 days work, 4 days off schedule with 4 days time to myself, thinking about how hard I've had to work so far academically in my life, and wanting to live a life full of adventure- all of this came at me at one time and I got teary-eyed.
Some of her comments that stood out to me were that I am very empathic, very sensitive, that I was a good person, that I asked wonderful mind-opening questions as she told me she was very impressed with my post in regards to vaccinations that I posted on blackboard and here as well, that I was very hard on myself, how it was alright to be less sociable than others as she said her husband only has two really good friends and besides that, he doesn't like groups either. She told me that her older son and older daughter are also like that while her younger daughter is more like she is in terms of loving social time. She also gave me some tips in regards to treating these informational meetings that are supposed to help nursing students get in touch with the current and future trends of nursing that we best be aware of. We were supposed to meet our group at 12:30 for lunch but by now, it was already past 1:10 certainly as I remember seeing the clock at 1:10 as she asked me if we were coming to lunch and I politely declined which was the trigger that set off these flow of events. After David got me some tissues, I asked David if he could give me a few minutes and he left the room to give me some privacy. Jessie and I continued to talk for another 20 to 30 minutes as I released my emotions. As we wrapped it up, we hugged again and I said we would keep in touch. David and I walked down towards Market street and in my heart, I knew I would just shake off this emotional irregularity and David would respect that privacy, which I was grateful for. That face to face interaction is probably our last for some time but as I walked towards the bus stop back to the apartment, all that was in my mind was reliving select moments I remembered and the emotions I was experiencing. And evidently, as I write this late at night, I still am reliving it.
More frustration is mixed in holistically from working hard academically for a future that I have trouble feeling confident about as a result of my introverted personality and shyness. Jessie told me that networking is important to finding a job, and isolating myself from my cohorts of students-who I have trouble relating to because I enjoy different types of socialization and due to my negative beliefs but regardless of the reasons- I am setting myself up for failure. I cringed inside when I heard her say those words. Ever since I was in preschool, I’ve known I have tendencies that make me less sociable than others. I have shyness that I consider to be hindering and has caused me much pain in my life. In fact, one of the predominant reasons I continue to put so much effort into this blog is so I can use this understanding of myself to help me talk and connect to people emotionally and make that genuine emotional connection.
I cried for the second time this semester. Excluding the last one this past semester, the last time I cried like this was probably in 8th grade of middle school. I will admit that there is definitely some part of me that loves conversations of this depth and intimacy as it makes me feel authentically connected with that person emotionally. It definitely takes someone who knows how to console someone to really comfort someone in pain. She gave me a hug after I regained some of my composure. I told her how making friends has never been easy for me, and feeling different from others, with what's happened recently, with Jessie just telling me a side of nursing from her experience that seemed to thwart my ideal plan of 3 days work, 4 days off schedule with 4 days time to myself, thinking about how hard I've had to work so far academically in my life, and wanting to live a life full of adventure- all of this came at me at one time and I got teary-eyed.
Some of her comments that stood out to me were that I am very empathic, very sensitive, that I was a good person, that I asked wonderful mind-opening questions as she told me she was very impressed with my post in regards to vaccinations that I posted on blackboard and here as well, that I was very hard on myself, how it was alright to be less sociable than others as she said her husband only has two really good friends and besides that, he doesn't like groups either. She told me that her older son and older daughter are also like that while her younger daughter is more like she is in terms of loving social time. She also gave me some tips in regards to treating these informational meetings that are supposed to help nursing students get in touch with the current and future trends of nursing that we best be aware of. We were supposed to meet our group at 12:30 for lunch but by now, it was already past 1:10 certainly as I remember seeing the clock at 1:10 as she asked me if we were coming to lunch and I politely declined which was the trigger that set off these flow of events. After David got me some tissues, I asked David if he could give me a few minutes and he left the room to give me some privacy. Jessie and I continued to talk for another 20 to 30 minutes as I released my emotions. As we wrapped it up, we hugged again and I said we would keep in touch. David and I walked down towards Market street and in my heart, I knew I would just shake off this emotional irregularity and David would respect that privacy, which I was grateful for. That face to face interaction is probably our last for some time but as I walked towards the bus stop back to the apartment, all that was in my mind was reliving select moments I remembered and the emotions I was experiencing. And evidently, as I write this late at night, I still am reliving it.
On a quick side note, this blog, for the last several months, has definitely felt
to be more of a burden than a source of satisfaction. I feel constantly
overwhelmed to document and write about so many things, whether it be about the
new-age science or emotions and experiences I feel strongly about. On a
spontaneous whim, born out of a moment of pure frustration and overwhelm, the
thought of deleting this blog has entered my mind more than once but part of me
strongly desires to see this effort pay off in satisfaction as I feel in the
future, this work I am doing for my blog can result in an absolutely beautiful
cumulative diary and journal of my life that has great potential for inspiring
myself and others. My hope for the future of this blog is to have ample time to
work at one thing at a time, outside of work of course, and write in regards to
that one focus so I won’t feel overwhelmed and discouraged with a myriad of
subjects I feel compelled to write about. All the hours of hard work I’ve
dedicated to my academic career is preeminently for the time, money, and
freedom that I desire and was and still is the main reason for me coming into
nursing. Jessie told me that the nursing job is tough, the learning never
stops, you will always have to put time in to stay up to date, and there ain’t
any easy route. Imagining a life that is, to some extent, comparable to my
idol, Bear Grylls, seemed to be fading in my mind. During my past life
regression session- yes, I did, and did not even write about the experience yet
and of course I feel frustrated and overwhelmed with all the stuff I want to
write about, yet don’t even know where to start- the SC did briefly mention
that people who are great conversationalists have been provided to me to help
me grow and advance my conversational ability- and yes, I still remember that
brief mention, even though I have yet to write about the experience in more
detail. I know that one day, sooner or later, I will have to work on my
communication skills when it comes to groups and conversing with women. Working
on that skill now could have benefits and negatives for me so it works both
ways. It’s just a matter of whether I have that desire to make that effort and
frankly, even after today, I do not think the time is right to become the best
David Wygant version of myself right now. It’s just a reminder for myself for
the future and I do believe, when it is time to really learn something, the
fuel necessary to drive you and the resources necessary to guide you will enter
your life. Writing this now at night with more objective clarity, these potent
emotions have been some of the most prevailing feelings of my life. I can see
my future turning out one of two ways. I can see myself feeling rather
depressed about my frustrations and feelings of alone, and have that be the
story of my life where my future thoughts, actions, and happiness is a result
of this post I am writing today. I can also see myself becoming a mentally
strong individual who is proud of overcoming my hardships and difficulties. I can
see myself as a person who is living something close to what I dream about. A person
who is living his life more or less by his own free will, not subject to the
external influences, and not feeling like a victim in life as I very much did
this afternoon. This afternoon, after the talk, I was certainly feeling
depressed, pitying myself, and feeling like a victim of my personality. To clarify, I think I have a great
personality, but my genuine personality is thwarted and hidden often times by
my negative beliefs in my subconscious. My authentic personality is inhibited. And
even though my authentic personality is one of an introvert, I know I can be
funny, charming, quick witted, and charismatic. I just can’t display it because
I feel scared to let others see the real me because subconsciously, I’m very
afraid that others will hurt me. It’s certainly not easy to admit it, but these
are some of the major difficulties I have in my life.
When Jessie was talking to David and I about not isolating
ourselves, David was strong and seemed to roll it off his back with relative ease.
He has that ability to hear what others are saying and display a “I hear what
you are saying but I’m not going to agree of dispute it” mentality which seems
to serve him well. That’s one difference between David and I. He is more mature
and more responsible than I am, and from what I’ve read from Dolores Cannon in
regards to identical twins, I wonder if David is here to help me because I will
need that help or if he is just here to help guide me in a gentler fashion, so
to speak. From the past life regression session, I know one major lesson I am
here to learn is to be sensitive and responsible to the needs of others and to
put my desires aside for the needs of others. Obviously, to the degree this
becomes true will play a major determinating factor of my happiness in life in
regards to pursuing my own goals. Some of my goals is to help people as well,
as after what has happened recently, I do wish to learn Dolores Cannon’s QHHT
so I can help others who feel how I felt and currently feel. There is a part of
me that genuinely desires to be able to help others significantly. I just hope I
will find that balance where I am sensitive and responsible to the needs of
others and be able to accomplish the other personal goals I have for myself. From
my impression and intuition of the past life regression, this lesson is geared
more towards me than David. And as day by day goes by since September 24th,
2012- the day of the regression session- I can see more and more clearly how
David is in essence the responsible one who is helping guide me down the road. Frankly,
if David wasn’t here to help me, I have a feeling I would more likely than not,
have turned out rather different than who I am today, and I don’t mean that in
a good way. And as Nathan Furst’s song, Damn Few, for the movie, Act of Valor,
begins to conclude, I feel it’s a perfect tone to summarize how I felt this afternoon
and right now as well. I have felt for a long time now- since the near
inception of this blog- that music is the best way for us to express how we
feel. Few songs can penetrate us to the depth of our souls. This is one. Damn
Few songs. Damn Few.
P.S. My writing for this post has been here and there and all over. I feel it has been rather unorganized and when I started writing this post, I felt more depressed than I do now, after writing it for today. I haven't written this style of post in a while now so that may account for the mere adequate flow of the post. I may send Jessie and email tomorrow to tell her how I appreciate her support. It's Wednesday; 12:12 AM now December 5th, 2012. I'm going to bed. Nightie Night.
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