I was listening to star 101.3 while my brother was driving us to Costco and right before he pulled into the parking space, an unknown individual started talking about electromagnetism, hawking radiation, how there are super-massive black holes at the center of each galaxy, increase in consciousness, dimension, and how that relates to December 21, 2012, which is today's date. So while walking in Costco, I whipped out my phone and started googling exactly that.
I found some interesting websites, not so sure I really want to delve into the research now but maybe a couple years from now, I will really delve into it after nursing school. But I want to list some websites I found so I will have direction when I do pick it up:
"electromagnetism hawking radiation black holes consciousness december 21, 2012"
"electromagnetism hawking radiation black holes increase in consciousness december 21, 2012"
"electromagnetism hawking radiation supermassive black holes at the center of each galaxy increase in consciousness december 21, 2012"
"electromagnetism hawking radiation supermassive black holes at the center of each galaxy increase in consciousness dimension december 21, 2012"
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