I remember watching the movie, John Carter- which came out in March of 2012- with my friend Tanuj, and hating having to cover my ears at times during the movie due to loud noise. I remember going to the doctor- not sure exactly which month of 2012- and telling me it was tinnitus. I remember being somewhat perplexed at having tinnitus since I never exposed my ears to overbearing noise decibels. I remember reading and hearing from Dolores Cannon saying that she has found people experiencing symptoms such as headache, palpitations, high blood pressure, & ringing in the ears and doctors would not be able to find anything wrong them. What DC found was that these were symptoms that our cells were adjusting to the new frequency of the earth moving in 5D. Granted based on our limited scientific understanding, this may seem like science fiction but the science I have been finding has been certainly surprising in a positive way lately that I am certainly open to the possibility. Last Saturday, December 15th, when going to Costco, I felt I reached my limit as I felt the tinnitus had recently been aggravated even more for no obvious medical reason at all. My sister- who has a very loud and piercing voice but in the past 19 years of living with her, I never experienced tinnitus- was talking with my mom in the car and was causing my left ear- the one affected- to produce static. It got to the point where my mom wanted me to go see a specialist to perform a more in-depth evaluation to see if there was anything wrong with me medically that was causing tinnitus. My thought was that my slight respiratory infection must have aggravated it. Yes, I remember going for a run at Miller's track doing HIIT- perhaps a few days prior to going to Costco on Wednesday, December the 12th- and feeling like my lungs were acidic after the run, and the very next morning, I was coughing. The cold must have aggravated my tinnitus, so I thought, which as of even now, is possible, but it certainly did not cause the tinnitus in the first place since I experienced tinnitus on and off with varying severity for about a year, with its inception sometime early 2012 I believe. I would experience a static noise at times of loud noise, but I must clarify that these loud noises are not of bother to pretty much all other people. Gun shooting scenes at movies would cause the static. As I just typed that, I remembered being at Disneyland last Winter break, about a week before Christmas day's NBA game of the Heat vs. Champions Mavericks- which I missed watching because my family, Lucky, and I were planning to head back to San Jose from LA after staying at our Relative's apartment there and going to Disneyland and Universal Studios, and experiencing static in my left ear at times of the Fantasmic show. This was the same time where I ended up calling my friend Tanuj to go check up on our house after my sister's friend, who dropped off a package outside our house- said she might have thought she saw someone inside our house. This was also the time where dad came with us to LA but spent the day at our relative's house and helped watched Lucky while the rest of us went to Disneyland. So from this memory, I apparently was already experiencing tinnitus a year ago in December of 2011. Well, what's the point of all this? It may be a bit early for me to be proclaiming this, but yesterday, Thursday, Dec. 20, 2012, I recognized that an all to common situation where in the past year would almost always result in at least a few static noises in my ear here and there, turned out to result in no static at all. I was in the car with my sister being loud and was rather surprised that I didn't experience any static noises. I even remember talking extra loud yesterday as my brother, mom, and I went to pick up my sister at her night time class just to test if I would experience static in my left ear after I realized the static was absent. And to my liking of course, the static remained absent. I was joking, laughing, and talking loudly and honestly, a bit exaggeratedly at times that would raise an eyebrow to a stranger passing by, but I was ecstatic it was gone and even thought that I should be more grateful- when making jokes and teasing my sister and brother- that I was not experiencing the static noise in a situation that previously for the past year or so, I would experience it. And as of today, while driving to Costco with my mom and sister in the back of the car, and me sitting in the right side of the front passenger seat, with my left ear exposed to them like many, many previous times when going to Costco, I experienced no tinnitus even when my sister's loud and poignant voice was filling the air. Dec. 21st, 2012 is the date when it reaches the peak of the new earth moving into 5D and transitioning according to DC- I believe at least to my memory of reading her books and videos on YouTube; It's been a while since I've serious research. Those symptoms listed earlier here were signs that our bodies were adjusting to the increasing frequencies of a new earth entering a new dimension according to DC. Is it just coincidence that over this past year, I have experienced the symptoms and at the very nearing of December 21st, 2012, the tinnitus was most egregious and all of a sudden, it literally, has disappeared? Maybe. It's possible. But to be honest, with all the things I've been learning from Bruce Lipton and related that independently corroborate what Dolores Cannon has been finding in her work and how it all relates to my home situation with Lucky and what I learned from my Past Life Regression Session on September 24th, 2012 with Susan, I have an inkling that the disappearance of the tinnitus on this date is a little more than just a positive unexpected side effect of my body overcoming a cough and slight cold.
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