Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Exploration - What We Often Lose When We Grow Up

I am of the belief that life feels boring when we are not exploring. When we are not exploring in our minds, exploring what we are naturally curious about as children and yearned to know about with no fear of ridicule, that is when life is dull. When that happens, we have fallen into a cycle of sameness, acceptance, and a dying of who we really are - souls here to learn, grow, create, and experience what speaks to our hearts. And from that cyclical trap, we numb the feeling of dullness with whatever gives us the most immediate feeling of pleasure and escape. Television, media, eating, having sex or masturbating routinely - we all know these conduits we use to ignore the feeling of emptiness inside. Days like this turn into weeks like this. Weeks like this turn into months like this, and before we know it, a year has gone by and our lives are unremarkable and dull still.

The solution is obvious but harder to do, when we are so used to our dull but comfortable routines. Explore what you are curious about. That means read. When you read something interesting on a page in a book, explore more on that topic, and once you have explored that topic for a bit, continue with the next page in the book. This way you can make connections with different materials, be engaged, and really learn and absorb, instead of passively sucking up information, trying to remember it for the sake of remembering it.

Explore with your mind, and explore all that speaks to your heart.

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