Monday, January 27, 2025

10 seconds to destiny outline

1. when there is something you know you should do but you are encountering resistance, your mind will try to talk yourself out of it. when this happens, you have a 10 second window to do something about it and your action or lack of action in these 10 seconds will often determine what gets done

2. examples: sleepy and dance class 

3. brushing your teeth when you are tired: walking to the bathroom and filling your cup with water 

4. want to start a youtube channel: watch one video on how to make youtube videos with your smartphone

5. Break down your vision into steps small enough to where you can apply this: i want to be a great freestyle dancer --> expose myself to dance moves through classes --> don't feel like going to class? --> feeling tired? --> recognize mind putting up resistance? --> get up and go to the bathroom 

6. momentum: one small step within 10 seconds and then see how you feel

7. there are thoughts on different ways to do what you have to do: practice discipline where you execute your schedule and why it doesn't work

8. you cannot script day to day life 

9. what you can control is taking one super small step towards doing something when you don't feel like doing it and being consistent with that 

10. how have you applied or not applied this 10 sec hack recently?

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