Monday, January 27, 2025

10 Seconds to Destiny

So recently a relatively well known channel by the name of PsyHacks created by Dr Orion Taraban talked about this 10 second point in time where you have to battle for if you want things to change. If you have not seen it before, I am going to link it in the description box. But as a summary, here are the main points: 

this got me thinking about how I have applied and can apply this to my own life to help me reach my dreams. One of my interests is freestyle dancing. a form of spontaneous dancing that you do when you turn off your mind and express yourself from moment to moment and even second to second without thinking. It's essentially getting into a pure flow state and moving any which way, looking any which way, and just feeling the joy that comes from this. 

So today, I was signed up to go to this hip hop dance class this morning via classpass (which is a helpful app for trying new things if you have not tried it out btw). Something to know about me, is that I am not a morning person AND I happen to be a night owl. I am someone that wants my sleep and I tend to sleep late.

So needless to say, I had set my alarm the night before with the intention that I will just see what happens. In some ways, I was just allowing the flow of the universe to decide for me what happens, whether I go or not. When I first woke up and peeked my eyes open, my alarm was about to go off in 3 minutes, I was still groggy and first immediate reaction was to shut my eyes and go straight back to sleep, but in this moment, I happened to realize that moments like these largely define whether or not we remain trapped in the same routine, or if we take a small step towards achieving what we want out of life. During this 10 second time frame, I made the conscious decision, to take a step forward (in this case, a simple decision that I would get up and go to the bathroom) and then decide if I would want to quickly get ready, or go back to bed. From this simple step that I took within the 10 seconds of making or breaking the decision, I realized, I wanted to go to class and would actually regret if I did not go, thinking that I would waste a day that goes by that I could have used to take another step towards what I want to be. 

I think it's safe to say that dreams are not made of home run steps and plays. Dreams are achieved from the small, often seemingly inconsequential decisions that we make within 10 seconds of deciding if we want to keep living the life we have exactly or would like something greater (at least in the sense of our own egos)

It's been about 6-7 weeks of doing this hip hop class and I have not once regretted going or felt like I wasted my time. Maybe it's an indicator that at least for now, it is a passion. 

So what about you? Let me know about what you are interested in achieving for yourself and what you would love for your life. Would love to hear from you. Until next time, my name is Michael, and remember that who you authentically are matters to the world, so go for it. Peace and love, and until next time. 

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