Monday, January 27, 2025

exploring worlds outline

1. you are an adventurer, we are all adventurers 

2. no matter what you are trying to do, you are in the process of expanding your world 

3. expanding your sense of who you are through your identity/ego

4. expanding and yearning for new and different experiences

5. or exploring more in depth in experiences you currently already love 

6. maybe in the comfort of your own routine, you feel like you have stagnated, that you are not exploring and expanding yourself

7. the feeling of stagnation is just a sign that a yearning, even in the smallest ways is inviting you

8. maybe in actuality you yearn for the company of people who can understand you and are lonely, maybe you yearn to share your life with a significant other

9. maybe you don't know what you want to experience in life, so your soul is trying to tell you to try out new things. maybe not random you try out the things you do, you already have interests 

10. maybe you know exactly what you want, but it's not a path that is well paved. 

11. you owe it to yourself to stay true to that vision. the road you take to get there might change but sometimes when god says no to one thing, it truly is a blessing. Life is a force that has this grand intelligence, directing the flow of how things need to go  

12. Whether you have a vision or not, listen to your heart. What does your heart dream of in your private moments or as you close your eyes and drift off to sleep? 

13. you need to stay true to those visions, because life has put those visions in you specifically for a reason

14. it may not happen on the timeline or exact circumstances that your ego wants it to, but it is unfolding. There is a theme in life that everything comes full circle so trust that the vision that you have will come to completion 

15. and plus ignoring what your heart's visions and dreams are will not make them go away. You've only put them off to be completed at another time, but that's also ok, because sometimes that's how it was meant to play out. 

16. maybe your ego thought you were ready, but this grand intelligent force called life knew you were not quite there yet 

17. the energy of your vision, the passion of your heart's dreams is itself a life force that needs to be expressed and shared into the rest of the world. 

18. hence, you are expanding your world

19. thanks for being here right now to share this message with me. I'm Michael, and see you in the next one  

drafted on 1/11/25

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