Monday, January 27, 2025

Stop Taking Your Mind so Seriously

If you are suffering, realize it's most likely because you have fallen under the spell of your own mind. Often times, your own mind does not actually serve you, nor the happiness that you seek. It's as if your mind is actually serving to make you miserable, and is excellent at generating feelings of lack. This feeling that something is missing, and if only I got this thing, then I would be happy. Things like more success; more money; more travel; a romantic relationship with this type of person with more X, Y, Z; then I will be happy. And yet, we know the seeking still does not end. 

You are suffering because you have taken the workings of your mind, way too seriously. Specifically, the negative, imaginary aspect of your mind. The mind's machinations are to scheme, to plan, to find one or more paths to guaranteeing the getting of what you want; ie the happiness that you seek, a feeling of being whole, fulfilled. The mind wants to feel like it knows for sure, if I get this type of body, then I can get the relationship I want. If I am more successful, and have more money, then I can be free and figure out what I want. If I have this kind of relationship, then I can feel loved. It wants to feel whole and it wants to feel like it knows for sure that if i do x y or z, then this will happen. It wants security, it wants fulfillment. 

The Mind makes random associations between things, if I can get this, then that. In reality, these associations are not necessarily related nor is the getting of one thing, actually guaranteeing the feeling of wholeness or fulfillment. The truth is, the getting of one thing that you want, will only lead you to the wanting of something else, while also experiencing a new limitation of another form once you are there. Seeking fulfillment and security through the mind will never truly work. It is a form of delusion. 

Your mind is programmed this way because you are born and brainwashed into believing that you are this finite entity, and that you need to get your needs met, and to survive. This perspective that you lack, forces your mind to "figure out" how to get what it wants and needs. When you are suffering, your mind has built a prison for itself, a prison that it cannot find a way to get all that it wants. The mind is prone to creating prisons and traps for itself. Recognize that the mind has done this, and that the bars are IN FACT, imaginary. Realize that there are no bars there now or ever. You are free. Do not take your mind too seriously. There can be aspects of your mind that you can find pleasurable. But if you are suffering, you have fallen under the spell of the negative, imaginary mind, who's job is to scheme and by doing so, it has created a prison and trap for YOU. The bars are imaginary, there is no prison. You are free in this moment and always. Stop taking your mind so seriously. In some ways, treat it as a nagging, small child. Realize that your mind is prone to creating prisons and traps for itself, and catch your negative and imaginary mind when this happens, and say to it, "nice try, I'm not falling for that" and shoo it on it's way. That is how you live free, happy, and whole during your time in this finite body. 

This does not mean you cannot go for what you want, just know that getting what you want isn't going to be the holy grail that you currently think it will be. The holy grail is already here, right now, in the realization that the mind is a master at creating prisons for YOU and to not take the mind too seriously. 

drafted on 1/25/25 

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