Wednesday, July 13, 2022

Haiku #2: Bad Taco Bell In Iowa

My Boobie Vomit

I Want to Smoochie Her Face

Instead I Write Poem

Saturday, July 9, 2022

Goal is to Live Life by Making Conscious Decisions

I turned 30 today. Walking with my twin brother last night before I turned 30, made me think of what I want to experience going forward. 

I want to be able to live financially independent (trade for a living, maybe have supplemental income from per diem work and/or have enough money to generate enough income through capital)

I want to travel and explore the pacific northwest (Oregon and Washington) as I went once as a kid. I remember it being beautiful but spent very little time there. 

I want to travel internationally as I have not done much international travelling.

I want to travel to these places with my Boobie who I love sharing experiences with. 

I want to hike in these places, take spectacular photography, climb mountains, climb rocks in these beautiful places. 

In my own vanity, I want to maintain, look, and be as young as possible for as long as I can. 

I want to explore self-expression and authenticity. 

I want to spend enough time with family and friends exploring new adventures. 

Aim to have a different experience that piques your interest.  

Friday, July 8, 2022