You know, I made difference in someone's life today. The person, I did not even know. No idea who he is, what his background is. All I know is that I helped brighten this man's day and future outlook just by a little bit. And as I hear myself in my head writing this, it feels a bit futile that I only could help him a little bit, but nevertheless, my act of kindness spoke to him that he probably never expected. It was simple, nothing great. I arrived at the Caltrain station, and headed towards the bathroom like I almost always do. I see this man sitting at a seat waiting that's near the bathroom. Didn't think much of it, and went along into the bathroom and did my business. Came back out, looked at him again, and said, "Hi, how you doing?" I said it, not meekly, but not too loud either. He responded to me. He told me he needed to get home, but couldn't. He was genuine. I could tell, 100%, no joke. I initially did not know how I would react. I thought about saying no. But didn't feel comfortable turning away a guy who seemed to authentically need help. I knew I had two $20's. I took out my wallet and gave him a $20. Seeing his reaction just put a smile on my face. I had given him more than enough money to go where he needed to go. Did not expect to get change back. He was so grateful. He wanted to shake my hand, and also a hug. Early in the morning at 6 AM, I must admit I felt a tad bit wary, initially at least. It was a wonderful feeling though. I told him to take care, and headed off. Although I initially had some hesitance to give him money, because I did not know him at all and his background, I am so glad I did this. $20 to me was no big deal. To him, it meant such a relief and at least some peace of mind. I want to remember this occurence, and remember one of my goals that I wrote down and reupdated on "My Goals" page, and that is to truly understand the positions of others who need help, and from compassion and empathy, help them out. I don't ever expect anything back, and I want to do this, love is real. Unconditional love, as hard as it can be, is an ultimate goal for a spiritual person like myself.
I do want to note how a recent program that I bought had an important yet indirect hand in this. You see, I very recently bought David Wygant's Own the Room. Can't have enough praise for this man. True respect on my behalf to him. An ultimate communicator with people. It's really a program talking about how to build relationships with so many people you encounter in life, having an abundance mindset, and truly connecting with people and as a byproduct, develop a powerful network of people that will help you in your life, no matter what your goal is. This is something I've recently learned as my nursing school experience's end comes closer and closer. It's not too far now. Just slightly around the corner. And I learned that connections are so powerful. Having that in, to a job, rather than applying as a nobody online. It's so powerful. You live a lifestyle unbeknownst and unimaginable to the vast majority of common folks. That's what I want. It's something I am going to work on, dedicate myself to in the future. Shouldn't be too far off.
The reason this indirectly influenced what occured today, is because of the fact that being a master communicator involves talking to people you don't know, even if it's as simple as saying hello or hi. And as I was listening to David Wygant en route on Caltrain in the wee hours of the morning to go to campus for class, I absorbed his message. And lol and behold, I said "Hi, how you doing?", to that man. Would not have happened if not for David's powerful influence when listening to him. And serendipitously, I helped this man out. A simple act of kindness, helping each other out, expecting nothing in return. Hmm, reminds me of David saying to practice observing and giving out genuine compliments to people and walking away and expecting absolutely nothing in return. So powerful to your psyche. So powerful to positively affect the lives of others.
- Home
- My Goals (Constantly Being Updated as I Go Through Life)
- To My Beloved Lucky of 10 & 1/2 Years
- Good Death Response and Just A Few Pics of My Dearly Beloved
- A Detailed Account of The Story of Lucky, My Endearing Companion of 10 & 1/2 Years, What Cut My Time With Her Short, & What I Learned From This Experience - The Complete Story
- The Truth When You Hear It
- A Reminder To Myself For the Purpose of This Blog
- Science & Spirituality
- Understanding Cancer, Ebola, and Other Modern Day Chronic Health Issues
- About Me
- R.I.P. Dolores Cannon, Thank You For All You've Do...
Remember Who You Are

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