Monday, June 18, 2012

Problem Solved?

It is now the next morning. Sunday; June 17, 2012. For some off reason, sleep has allowed me to see this incident more objectively and less emotionally. What do I want to go from here? I would like to repair my relationship with him. I laid in bed this morning, thinking about the potential end of this relationship. It scared me. I’m a person who highly values quality, one on one conversations. Because of my communication style and introverted tendencies, this does not allow me to have a wide variety of actual friends- those who I would feel comfortable reaching out to and talking with. Potentially losing two friends this summer is too large a price to pay. One may get the feeling, it sounds like you want to get back together with your friend because you don’t have many to start with, and not because you are out of victim mode and self-righteousness. It’s true. People get into relationships for selfish reasons. People desire connection, so they look for it in people. If you had more than enough friends for your social needs, would you still be talking and meeting as many people? No, you wouldn’t. This is what I wrote to him this morning:

(My Friend's Name),

Yesterday night, I was definitely feeling self-righteous as I ignored your text. Writing this now after having time to ruminate, I felt like my action of ignoring your text was rude, disrespectful, and a bit hurtful as well. I apologize for my immature action. Prior to yesterday, I used to think we had a fun, bantering friendship. I felt like we joked around more with each other than you did with most of the other guys we’d play football with. I really enjoyed bantering with you as a whole, except for yesterday. The truth from my perspective is that your jokes and indirect insults went too far. I feel like after you noticed I wasn’t saying anything to anybody (not just you), it would have been smart to ignore me as well and walk away. I assume you felt it was fun to keep badgering me even after you could tell I was getting annoyed and angry. Your motivation for doing that was more out of fun than trying to be hurtful. I get that. But it went too far. I think I reacted appropriately by leaving the moment I peered up at your face and saw you smiling because my brother was obviously not happy and could sense my annoyance.

All this aside, I believe you do feel bad about what happened, as I infer from your text. Deep down, I don’t think you intend to hurt people so I don’t think you’re a bad person. I just hope you can understand how I felt yesterday. Tell me how you viewed what happened yesterday. Perhaps I did something that you didn’t like either. I know you may feel like being self-righteous and ignoring me as I did to you, but I hope you still have interest in repairing our relationship.

Michael      ” 

Later today around 6:30, I received a message back from him which solves this misunderstanding we had. Here was his response:

“Damn dude,
 My bad! I seriously didn't intend to be rude/mean in any way possible. You know how I am always joking around. I was treating yesterday's situation just like I always do. I did see your irritation but I honestly thought it was just an act. If i knew you were actually pissed off, I definitely would not have bugged you so much. I am genuinely sorry bro. There is no way i want our friendship to end. I feel like we've had a fuckin AWESOME time over the past few years. I would definitely agree that we have a (no homo) stronger relationship than any other two people in our friend circle. I guarantee I wont bug much haha. Please tell your brother the same. I feel like my time here in the bay would suck without you guys around. Let's agree to leave this instance in the past and carry on as if it never happened. Down to play football/bball/swim soon? it's fine if you need a break though man. I understand.”

I feel it’s safe to say that it won’t be the end of our friendship. In most cases, repairing an old relationship is easier than starting a new one.

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