Wednesday, December 18, 2013

An Anecdotal Evidence Verifying Dolores Cannon's Work

This post is another example of how Past-Life Regressionist, Dolores Cannon, has found the source of all knowledge and the information that comes through her clients from this "source of all knowledge", is beginning to be corroborated by science. Check out what this article is all about:

The following is an excerpt from a session in Dolores Cannon's Convoluted Universe 3: (The context of the excerpt does not need to be understood) The "S" refers to the Subconscious, the term that Dolores refers to as the source of all knowledge - it is NOT the term psychologists refer to.
"D: I was thinking it was all part of the same system. 
S: Maybe, maybe – I don’t know ... maybe finer particles were caught by Saturn. But the bigger chunks ... Saturn and Jupiter have many, many rocks orbiting around them that aren’t really moons of theirs. They’re just things that they captured in their gravitational field. Uranus caught some – so did Neptune. Pluto is a piece. It is not a planet. There are other pieces farther out yet." (pg. 483, Convoluted Universe 3)
The amazing thing here is that this session was done in August of 2005, a whole year prior to the worldwide announcement on August 24th, 2006, by the International Astronomical Union (IAU), an organization of professional astronomers, which revoked Pluto's status as a planet. Dolores Cannon writes:
"This was why I was stunned to hear this part about Pluto which was verified a year later in 2006. I think this is validation once again that I am truly in communication with something bigger than all of us. The part that has all the answers and powers beyond the comprehension of our mortal minds. This is why I love to work with this part." (pg. 483-484, Convoluted Universe 3)

To read about the changing of Pluto's status, go here

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