Sunday, December 15, 2013

Is Reality an Illusion?

This post is my second example of how Past-Life Regressionist, Dolores Cannon, has found the source of all knowledge and the information that comes through her clients from this "source of all knowledge", is beginning to be corroborated by science. Check out what this article is all about:

How would most people you know react if you told them that the reality that we know may be nothing but an illusion? Expect to get some weird looks your way or people to burst out laughing and looking at you like you're crazy. I for one, would not blame them, but strangely enough, this idea of reality being an illusion is slowly being introduced more and more into our society.

This idea of our world, the universe, being the shadows of Plato's allegory of the cave, and being an illusion, is discussed in Dolores Cannon's books. Here's a short excerpt from Dolores', The Convoluted Universe Two:

"The astounding concept that nothing in our lives is real, that it is only an illusion has been repeated over and over in my work. The idea disturbs me, because it challenges my concept of reality. Everything in our life appears to be real and solid from our living and working surroundings to the touch and feel of those we love. If the dearest and most precious things in our lives are only an illusion, then how can we perceive reality? I find it much more comforting to think of these concepts as 'mind candy'. Something to think about to challenge our belief systems and push our minds to the brink of understanding. Something to philosophize over. But at the end of the day, to put it over on a shelf and think, "That was interesting. It challenged my belief system. It made me think in a new direction. But now I have to return to the 'real' world" Even if it truly is only an illusion, it is still the only reality we know. So we have to live it" (Chapter 27, Convoluted Universe 2). 

This challenging new idea is seen in NOVA's, Fabric of the Cosmos: What is Space?, episode with renowned physicist and author, Brian Greene. This main idea, the holographic principle, is seen specifically starting around the 47 minute mark of the first video below.

Here's the main relevant clip from the episode to the holographic universe theory:

The Holographic Principle is further discussed in another scientific documentary, Through the Wormhole, with Morgan Freeman, in Season 1, Episode 2, called The Riddle of Black Holes. Here's the full episode. At the minimum, watch specifically from ~25:00 to the end!


The two documentaries listed above are great semi-introductory videos into the holographic principle. There is an in-depth five part video workshop hosted by Stephen Davis, called "The Holographic Universe", which explains how quantum mechanics and recent scientific experiments have been changing the views of reality. It is very well done, and while I do not personally agree with some of the metaphysical concepts Mr. Davis has proposed, much of the science aspects of it makes much sense and fits well into the holographic theory.

Here's Part 1! There are also four other parts after this one! Don't be put off by the cheesier looking presentation, as I initially was, it's a very informative and well-organized presentation of this theory!

From watching Stephen Davis' "The Holographic Universe", I was introduced to the work of Dr. Amit Goswami and Michael Talbot, author of "The Holographic Universe", which was written well before his time!

If you watched all five parts of Mr. Davis' presentation, you may have noticed Dr. Bruce Lipton, a pioneer in the field of epigenetics, cell biology, linking quantum mechanics with cell biology, and how our beliefs and perceptions directly influence our biology. And Dr. Lipton's work will link and connect another one of the findings in Dolores Cannon's books, that our cells are conscious, and that we make ourselves sick! We are not the victims of our biology/our genes!

Now here's Michael Talbot, the author of the book, "The Holographic Universe".
                                                                                      Part 1:

For the full interview, go here:

**For more scientific articles explaining the holographic principle and how it relates to the evidence for spirituality: (Very Informative websites!)

While I completely understand that the holographic universe is not a fully accepted by most scientists right now, I strongly believe that science will gradually more than ever push towards the merging with spirituality!

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