Thursday, May 16, 2013

Day 19 & Building Habits That Will Last You a Lifetime

"It always shocks a community.

An ideal family that had it all.

Charming husband, radiant wife, great children, house in the suburbs,
nice cars, clothes, great jobs, businesses, friends, dinner parties, charity
work - all that good stuff.

And then it all came crashing down.

Divorce, alcoholic spouse, affairs, fights, Ponzi scheme business,
bankruptcy, repo, and more dirty laundry.

It leaves people scratching their heads.

How could it be? What happened? They were so perfect.

It didn't happen all at once.

It happened little by little. Day by day. Decision after decision.

No foundation was being built over time.

The house was being built out of cards until a slight breeze knocked it all down.

The little things matter, the day to day, the decisions, the careful laying
of brick after brick for a strong foundation - that's what will help build
something that lasts a lifetime."

- Brian Kim MIT of May 16th, 2013

Today is Day 19 of my 30 day early rising challenge. It's also Day One of my summer break. Just like last year, I marked the time in my head when I left to come back- 7:31 PM. I thought about all the things I've set out for myself and I imagined the time to just relax and let go. I felt these two ideas conflict somewhat. Like now, I've slept in for the past five days- slept in, in comparison to waking at 4:22- and typing this now, there's a part of me that really wants to go snuggle back into bed. But I know I need to develop this habit. I NEED to because if for no other reason, I will need to rise this early next semester. Well, I'm tired now, but building great habits day by day, little by little, the careful laying of brick by brick for a strong foundation- is what will help me build something noteworthy and commendable that will last a lifetime.

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